Rhode Island Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Rhode Island

Aspiring sonographers living in Rhode Island will be pleased to note there are over nine options to choose from when looking to become a licensed sonographer. More specifically, these nine options are all accredited, and are either in a community college or hospital. The Rhode Island Hospital offers classes in sonography, but only offers a certificate upon completion of its courses (additional training is needed for certification). The hospital, though, is in the process of converting its ultrasound technology and, as of January 2015, will be offering a four year program. Graduates will receive a Bachelor’s of Science and necessary sonography certification to practice anywhere in the state.

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at other schools in Rhode Island are mainly two years or a five semester program. The coursework is a combination of traditional classroom teaching and cutting-edge clinical practice. Students who complete the program earn an Associate Degree in Applied Science (AAS), and are recommended to take one (or both) national certification examinations, the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Because Rhode Island is such a small state, sonographers sometimes have to leave the state to secure the best job opportunity. If you are a recently graduated sonographer, acquiring these national certifications appeals to out-of-state employers, who equate certification with job competency.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Rhode Island

While Rhode Island does not require certification to become a sonographer, to get hired at one of the state’s hospitals or clinics, you will need to be certified. The organization offering certification in Rhode Island is the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), who offers a variety of certification tests depending on what type of sonography you would like to practice.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Rhode Island

Technologists working at Rhode Island hospitals have the additional perk of joining hospital benefit plans, which include excellent health coverage, dental care, ample vacation time, as well as additional types of insurance.

Like in other, larger states, job opportunities for sonographers in Rhode Island in the future is positive, as hospitals like Rhode Island Hospital continue to refurbish and replace their ultrasound equipment, requiring recently-trained sonographers to operate them properly. Most sonographers currently employed in Rhode Island work in hospitals, obstetrics and gynecology clinics, or in smaller private clinics. This trend will undoubtedly continue for the foreseeable future.

Rhode Island

Community College of Rhode Island (Warwick, RI)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Associate in Applied Science in Radiography (XRAY)
Associates in Radiologic Technology
Certification in Radiologic Technology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Certificate

Lincoln Technical Institute (Lincoln, RI)
Programs Offered:
Dental Assistant – Certificate
Medical Assisting – Certificate
Nursing (Practical)
Pharmacy Technician – Certificate

New England Institute of Technology (East Greenwhich, RI)
Programs Offered:
AS – Medical Laboratory Technology
AS – Nursing
AS – Occupational Therapy Assistant
AS – Paramedic Technology
AS – Physical Therapist Assistant
AS – Respiratory Care
AS – Surgical Technology

Rhode Island College (Providence, RI)
Programs Offered:
Bachelors in Medical Radiologic Technology