Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in Arizona

Arizona colleges offer a variety of methods of study for students who wish to work as cardiac ultrasound technicians. You may choose online or on-campus programs, as well as degree levels that include associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and certificates.

To learn more about which echo technician program may be best for you, contact the schools below and request more information.

Recent high school graduates may want to pursue a degree at the associate’s level or higher with an Associate in Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Current health care professionals already in the workforce and with experience in medical diagnostics may want to pursue a Certificate of Completion in Diagnostic Medical Sonography so as to expand future job opportunities.

One of the biggest benefits of training as an echo tech is the variety of settings in which you may find work. Jobs are available in fast-paced environments like hospitals, as well as in diverse settings like community health centers and the private offices of physicians. The work of an echo tech is part technology, science, and medicine, as well as part human interaction with patients. Not only will an echo tech work with high-tech equipment, but you will also speak with patients to ensure for a calm and low-stress diagnostic experience.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Arizona

If you have an interest in how technology fuels medical diagnostics and health care you may greatly enjoy the curriculum of an echocardiography program in Arizona. Some of the topics covered in the average program include anatomy, patient care, and equipment protocols.

You will also become well-versed in imaging techniques and reading the results of tests. Although echo techs don’t have the final word on what test results indicate, they are responsible for basic interpretation of the images so that the physician receives the most pertinent information and data during the diagnostic process.

Students may qualify to study as an echo tech after earning a high school diploma or GED, as well as with work experience in healthcare. Students who have yet to graduate from high school may want to take extra science courses as preparation for study in the health care field.

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The timeline for completing training will depend upon the program you choose. For example, a certificate program may take less than a year while a bachelor’s degree program will typically require a four-year investment of time. Some of the classes you might see while enrolled include Medical Law & Ethics, Anatomy and Physiology, and Methods of Patient Care.

Echo Tech Careers in Arizona

Before seeking employment in the medical field, you may want to investigate the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS), as well as the Arizona-based Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency, which handles licensing of professionals in various medical imaging specialties. It’s a good idea to ensure a chosen program aligns itself with the knowledge required to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam, which provides valuable licensing.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests diagnostic medical sonographers may earn just over $60,000 a year with an associate’s degree. The profession is also expected to experience rapid growth in the next decade. Experts predict that the advent of the Affordable Care Act and the increase of insured residents in Arizona may increase the job openings for healthcare professionals in the state.

Across the nation and in Arizona, health care is a growing field, which means the value of a college degree for echocardiography is a valuable investment of time and money. You may even be able to reduce tuition costs with a scholarship from the International Foundation for Sonography Education and Research (IFSER).

Contact the Arizona echo tech schools on our site to learn more about how to enroll in a program today!