MRI Technician Schools in DC

As an aspiring health care professional, you may wonder what specialty field you’d like to work in. If you want to combine patient care with an extensive knowledge of technology, consider becoming an MRI technician in Washington DC. While working in this field in the nation’s capital, you may be able to use some of the most up-to-date medical equipment and help doctors make more thorough and appropriate diagnoses.

If you would like to know more about your options for study, simply contact the MRI tech programs in D.C. that are listed on this page to get program details.

When you look at the latest MRI research, you can see that the field is always changing and developing. Futurity reports that MRI probes can now diagnose Alzheimer’s disease earlier than ever before. Researchers discovered that they can pair a magnetic nanostructure with an antibody to detect the disease.

Though there is no local association of radiologic technologists in Washington D.C., you can join the national group if you live in the nation’s capital. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists is a national organization that brings together MRI technicians for advocacy purposes, for continuing education, and for networking opportunities. If you’re considering a career as an MRI technician, the first step is finding an MRI technology program in Washington D.C.

MRI Education in Washington DC

There are multiple options for MRI technician programs in Washington D.C. If you simply want to get started as quickly as possible, consider attending a certificate or diploma program in the area. These programs typically only last about one year, and you do not have to take general education courses as part of your degree. An Associate’s degree in Washington D.C. may be a more thorough option if you are interested in certification or licensure. This option may require about two years of full-time study, so it is a bit more of a commitment.

Some of the classes you take are focused around the human body and the ways in which it works. In the beginning of your education, you may take courses like Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Basic Health Profession Skills. Other courses specifically focus on MRI technician skills, since you need to know all about how the equipment works and how to use it properly. Courses in this area of your education may include Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety, Magnetic Resonance Equipment and Methodology, Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imaging, and Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Hands-on experience is a crucial aspect of MRI imaging. Throughout the course of your education, you may spend over 400 hours in a medical setting. This involves working underneath a working radiologic technologist and gaining practical experience.

MRI Careers in Washington DC

In the MRI field, you may work in a variety of settings. You may gain experience in a hospital, a standalone medical imaging clinic, a specialty wing, or an independent clinic. In Washington D.C., some of the largest employers include The Carney Group, Sterling Medical Corporation, Modern Medical Solutions, and Med Trans. These employers may require you to work some nights, weekends, and holidays, as is common in the health care field.

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Currently, there are no licensing restrictions for MRI technicians in Washington D.C., as licensing of this professions happens at a statewide level. You may pursue optional certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. You need to pass a licensing exam and reapply for licensure every two years. In addition, you must maintain your licensure with continuing education hours.

As an MRI technician in Washington D.C., you may earn a fairly competitive salary. According to O*Net, most MRI technicians in this area earn between $52,000 and $95,100 per year. The average salary in Washington D.C. is $71,500 per year (O*Net, 2013).

This field is growing rapidly and creating jobs across the country. If you want to learn more about becoming an MRI technician in Washington D.C., check out our school listings now!

District Of Columbia

George Washington University (Washington, DC)
Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Science in Sonography
Sonography Certificate Program