MRI Technician Schools in New Hampshire

You can work with some of the most advanced medical imaging technology by starting a career as an MRI tech! Let help you find nearby schools.

MRI Technician Training in New Hampshire

In the early days of your education, you may have to take a variety of prerequisite courses that prepare you for the rigorous courses in your MRI technician curriculum. Common prerequisite courses include Chemistry, Human Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology. Once you complete these courses, you can spend one year earning a certificate in MRI technology or two years earning an Associate’s degree.

Most courses included in an MRI tech program combine theory and experience to build upon your knowledge and practical skills at the same time. In the classroom portion of your class, you may look at medical imaging scans, learn step-by-step techniques for MRI imaging, and discuss medical imaging laws in your state.

The practical skills you gain vary between classes. Early in your program, you may work with your school’s MRI technology to get a feel for medical imaging, learn how to use an MRI machine, and learn how to read scans. At the end of your program, you complete a clinical session of 500 to 1000 hours.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in New Hampshire

If you plan on starting your career as an MRI tech in New Hampshire, you must seek licensure through the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Service. New Hampshire is more lax on their licensing requirements than many other states. You must maintain current American Registry of Radiologic Technologists licensure, but you do not need to renew through the state after providing proof of ARRT licensure.

To get licensed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, you must pass their radiologic technology exam. You can then get your two-year license. Prior to renewing your license, you must complete 24 hours of continuing education. The ARRT requires 24 hours of continuing education for each and every renewal period.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in New Hampshire

As you begin your career as an MRI tech, you may find it very beneficial to network with other MRI techs and stay on top of research in the field. New MRI research may affect how you work; for example, Johns Hopkins Medicine recently discovered a way to use 3D MRI scans to predict liver cancer survival rates. Stay on top your field by joining the New Hampshire Society of Radiologic Technologists. You may attend continuing education courses, learn about legislative changes, and access job listings.

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O*Net reports a positive job outlook and salary range for New Hampshire MRI techs. Their estimates claim that most New Hampshire MRI techs earn between $52,100 and $86,300 per year. They anticipate a 20% increase in job openings between 2010 and 2020, which is in line with the national average (O*Net, 2012).

You may find many different MRI tech job postings once you start your job search. Consider looking for job openings at hospitals, medical imaging clinics, and doctor’s offices. These organizations all offer different work environments, so keep an open mind! Like with most other medical careers, you may have to work night and weekend hours. Some of the largest MRI tech employers in New Hampshire include HCA Healthcare, Portsmouth Regional Hospital, Parkland Medical Center, and Fresenius Medical Care.