MRI Technician Schools in Tennessee

A degree in MRI technology could be your ticket to an exciting new career in the medical field. Learn more about this field at here to find out if it’s right for you!

MRI Technician Training in Tennessee

In order to become an MRI technician, you have to get a comprehensive education in many aspects of medical imaging technology and the human body. There are two main degree choices you have: a certificate that can be completed in one year or an Associate’s degree that can be completed in two years. Both programs offer a significant amount of practical experience, although an Associate’s degree program may go more in-depth.

Although practical experience is the crux of an MRI technician program, you need a strong base of theoretical knowledge first. MRI technician programs tend to be heavy on science, so you may take courses like Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, and Chemistry. You can then move on to MRI courses like Radiographic Methods, Basic Radiographic Procedure, and Radiation Physics & Technology.

Early courses give you some practical experience in identifying body parts and getting used to the MRI machine. However, at the end of your program, you get a ton of practical experience during your clinical hours. Clinical hours allow you to work one-on-one with patients while being supervised by your clinical instructor.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in Tennessee

As the field of MRI technology has expanded, state medical boards have rushed to keep up with licensing and certification requirements. In Tennessee, all licensure of radiologic technologists and MRI technicians goes through the Tennessee Department of Health. However, you only need to be licensed if you work outside of a hospital setting. Since you never know where your career will take you, it may be worth your while to get licensed regardless.

To get your initial license, you must pass the exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Once you pass the exam and get your license, you are licensed for two years. To keep your license valid, you must complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years. This should include two hours in medical ethics training.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in Tennessee

It’s very exciting to start your career as an MRI technician after working so hard to earn your degree! There are many ways you can use this degree. You may work at a hospital, doctor’s office, or standalone medical imaging centers. Hospitals tend to require evening and weekend hours, since they keep their MRI machines staffed 24 hours per day. However, doctor offices and medical imaging clinics often have more conventional work hours. In Tennessee, major employers include Heritage Medical Associates, Catholic Health Initiatives, and Delta Medical Center.

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MRI technicians in Tennessee enjoy a competitive salary range and positive job outlook. O*Net reports that most MRI technicians in Tennessee earn between $40,400 and $75,300 per year, with an average salary of $56,200. The demand for MRI technicians is expected to increase by 27% between 2010 and 2020 (O*Net, 2012). Demand may continue to increase as new MRI technology is developed; for example, a report from HealthCanal indicates that MRI can now be used as a guide for brain cancer treatment.

There are several benefits to joining professional organizations in Tennessee, like continuing education opportunities, networking events, and job listings. You may want to join the Tennessee Society of Radiologic Technologists to enjoy these benefits.