MRI Technician Schools in Washington

The beautiful state of Washington, located in the Pacific Northwest, is a destination for both tourism and industry alike. Its largest city, Seattle, offers a wide variety of medical training and healthcare facilities making it an ideal place to learn how to become an MRI tech.

If you are ready to learn about your options for becoming an MRI technician, you can find several colleges and technical schools in Washington that offer certificates and degrees in the field. You’ll find a listing of all the MRI tech schools on this page, and we suggest you request information from each one to best compare your options.

Most MRI technologists in Washington belong to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. The society’s mission is to improve the status of the profession and to set standards for education and training, as well as to promote the welfare of the professionals who practice it. It is also possible for interested professionals to become involved in leadership roles and become spokespersons for MRI technologists throughout the state. It also functions as a voice for the technologists of Washington on issues of national credentialing and state licensing.

MRI Technician Education in Washington

As of January 1, 2015, the eligibility requirements for MRI certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), which is the predominant certifying body in the United States, changed. These requirements make it necessary for MRI technologists to hold at least a two-year associate degree from an accredited school. ARRT believes the general courses in an associate degree program are essential for giving you the foundation you need as an MRI tech.

MRI tech programs in Washington are available at the associate level, as well as the bachelor’s level and beyond. These programs include both coursework and laboratory practice. Basic science courses in biology, physics, and anatomy are necessary to provide a foundation for the MRI-specific courses. MRI tech courses include those that focus on MRI procedures and imaging analysis, the physics of MRI, and pathophysiology.

MRI tech programs also require hands-on clinical experience at a hospital or medical clinic. This real-life experience enables you to see first-hand what the work life of a MRI technologist is actually like. It is also a chance for you to apply what you have learned in your courses to actual patient care. Depending upon the program you choose, you may be assigned to specific clinical sites by your instructors.

MRI Tech Careers in Washington

After completing your associate or bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, you will need to pass a national licensing exam given by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Employers in Washington increasingly specify that employees should hold this credential, making MRI certification an essential step in entering this career.

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MRI technicians typically work in imaging and radiology departments within hospitals and diagnostic centers, as well as in physician’s offices. If you work in a hospital or other center that provides 24-hour care, it is likely that you will have to work some overnight, weekend, and holiday shifts. The median wage for an MRI technologist in Washington was $85,820 in 2017, well above the national median salary of $60,070 per year(BLS, 2018).

Communication skills are a crucial characteristic of a successful MRI technician, as you will be dealing with the public as well as doctors, nurses and other healthcare personnel. The ability to pay careful attention to fine detail is also necessary, as physicians’ instructions must be precisely followed to make sure images obtained are clear and helpful. As many patients are in pain, or may be anxious about the procedure or equipment, it is important to be sensitive to their emotions, and to be able to communicate well with patients to gain their trust and cooperation.

You can make a significant impact on patient care and on healthcare in general by entering this profession. To find the MRI tech schools in Washington that offer a program that will work for you, simply check out the listings on this page. You can learn more by requesting program details from each school.