Radiology Technician Schools in Florida

Receiving Your Radiologic Tech Training in Florida

When becoming a radiologic technologist, you will learn how to use radiographic and fluoroscopic equipment to examine and study a patient’s internal organs in order to diagnose illness and disease. The length of the program can be anywhere from 23 months to 48 months, depending upon the number of hours taken each week. There are clinical examinations, which are usually performed on campus after a certain number of off-campus hands-on work.

Radiology Technician Licensing in Florida

According to the Florida Department of Health, to obtain a radiology technician’s license in the state of Florida, you are required to obtain certification through an exam and a degree from an accredited two year Radiologic Technology program. You must be 18 years of age or older and have good moral character. General Radiographers, Nuclear Medicine technologists, and Radiation Therapists are the only applicants that require the degree; basic X-ray machine operators do not have an educational requirement, but must still pass the exam. The application fee is $50 and the exam fee is $100.

Another way to obtain a license is through endorsement, which means you submit an application, pay a fee, and prove you currently have a certificate or license to practice Radiologic Technology in another state. The catch is that the certificate must be equal in work load to what is currently required in Florida at the time of application. This evaluation is left to the department to decide. The fee for licensing through endorsement is $45.

In addition, background screenings may be required. However, you can choose to exempt from this. When requesting the exemption, the applicant must provide their reasoning for requesting the exemption, a request form, a criminal history check, their employment history, any rehabilitation history, if any, reference letters, and probation notices plus anything they feel is pertinent to the review.

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Florida Radiologic Technology Association

Florida Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in Florida

Florida has the third highest number of employed radiologic technicians of any state, coming in at 12,620 across the state (BLS, 2018). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the average salary for a radiologic technologist is $60,070 per year, and they estimate a rapid job growth rate of 13% between 2016 and 2026, which spells good news for those just starting their careers (2018).

The majority of radiology technicians are employed in state hospitals or in the offices of physicians. However, many medical laboratories, outpatient centers, and even the federal government offer employment opportunities. The work schedule tends to be hectic, since their expertise isn’t needed all the time. Due to its use in emergency situations, radiology technicians might be called in after hours or at night. The outlook is bright, and any individual interest in this field should take a look. Do your research, but know that this field is promising for the future!