Maine Radiology Technician Careers and Degrees

Professions within the healthcare industry are expected to grow at a fantastic rate over the next decade. Students seeking training in a profession like radiologic technology will be able to enter a dynamic work environment in a hospital, doctor’s office, or medical clinic. Get started on your new career today!

Receiving Your Radiologic Technologist Training in Maine

There are three primary elements to becoming a radiologic technician in the state of Maine and you as a future technician should first seek out proper training through an accredited educational institution. There are associate’s programs that offer training in this field and programs at radiology technician schools may take anywhere from 1 to 2 years for completion. Obtaining a degree in a related field is not recommended since the work done by a radiologic technologist does require specific expertise taught within a training school.

There are some schools that offer a four-year, or bachelor’s degree, in radiologic technology; however, receiving a full bachelor’s degree is not mandatory for work in the field. In preparation for entering school, as a high school student, you should take as many math and science courses as possible. A student with a solid background in chemistry, biology, and mathematics will be well-prepared for university level study.

Radiology Technician Licensing in Maine

Like many professions, radiologic technologists must be registered to operate in the state of Maine. Application for a license is available through the Office of Professional Occupational Regulation (OPOR). As radiologist tech, you must apply for a license when you “apply ionizing radiation to human beings for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes,” according to the OPOR.

Prior to the licensing process, an applicant in Maine must have passed and become certified through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Additionally, the state of Maine requires an applicant to have completed an accredited course of study at a college or institution of higher learning recognized by the United States Department of Education. Applicants are not eligible for licensing if they are under the age of 18-years-old.

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Maine Radiologic Technology Association

Maine Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in Maine

Those who choose to train to become a radiology tech will enjoy a healthy outlook for job growth as the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests that this type of employment will enjoy growth of around 28 percent over the next decade. This rate is faster than the average for all types of employment in every industry. After obtaining an associate’s degree, passing the certification test from ARRT, and gaining state licensing, the average radiology technician salary is 26 dollars an hour, which is around 54,000 dollars a year.

Many radiologic technicians work in standard healthcare environments like hospitals, doctor’s offices, diagnostic laboratories, and clinics. A select few technologists work within those venues within the confines of the federal government. An overwhelming number of radiologic technicians work within hospitals, so finding work in a hospital setting will likely be the easiest route to full-time employment once the job hunt has begun.