Alabama Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Alabama

There are five accredited Sonogram Technician Programs in Alabama; H.Council Trenholm State Technical College in Montgomery, Institute of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Mobile, Lurleen B. Wallace Community College in Opp, Virginia College at Birmingham and the Wallace State Community College. The Institute of Ultrasound Diagnostics only offers a certificate, not an Associate Degree like the other programs.

The first year of study fulfills prerequisites needed for the program, such as anatomy and algebra. During the following two years of theoretical and clinical training the student gains knowledge in various aspects of general sonography. You will not only learn the basics in foundations of sonography and sonographic anatomy, but you will also be introduced into the specialized fields of gynecological and obstetrical sonography. This solid education provides you with the needed expertise to be able to handle the demands of the future work environment, including handling advanced technological equipment on a daily basis. After the Associate Degree in Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography is awarded, you may take the national certification exam and upon successful completion become a registered Sonographer.

Sonography Technician Licensing In Alabama

Although Alabama doesn’t require Diagnostic Medical Sonographers to obtain a license, certification greatly improves the chances of employment. Anyone interested in certification has to pass the ARDMS exam. This test is not open to just anyone. Most people choose to complete one of the programs listed above and upon graduation becomes eligible to take the exam. It is very important to choose your educational institution wisely. The Degree must be granted by a CAAHEP accredited program to satisfy the prerequisites for the exam. If someone completed a program that is not accredited, they may still apply for the exam, but the person also has to prove one year of work experience in the field to qualify, and it is hard to gain this work experience without the proper certification.

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Career Outlook For Sonogram Technician In Alabama

In this field there are plenty of job opportunities. Hospitals and doctor’s offices are just a few. As with other professions in the healthcare field, it is important to have a flexible schedule to accommodate possible shift work and/or weekends. The work day includes various duties, like handling the imaging equipment and ensuring that it is well maintained. Furthermore, to gather medical history information and keep the file current. The Sonographer also ensures the patient’s comfort during the procedure. Additionally, the Sonographer reviews the image for the doctor and discusses it with him.

Although some people decide to remain in this position, there is also plenty of opportunity for career development. Some potential promotions in the field are lead sonographer and director of an ultrasound department. Career changes are also possible at this point. For example a sonographer with some experience and ARDMS credentials might decide to start a new career in education or sales.