Arkansas Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonography Technician Training in Arkansas

Sonographers contribute a very important role to the medical diagnostic and imaging field. Individuals who have a keen interest and desire to offer their expertise in hospitals and medical facilities in Arkansas may acquire training through three educational institutes in the state that offer sonography technician training. Depending on the level of career advancement interest, you can receive a certificate, associate of science, bachelor of science, or a master of imaging science degree. You can obtain training for your new career by enrolling at Arkansas State University which is located in Jonesboro or at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences located in Little Rock, Arkansas. The University of Arkansas-Fort Smith also offers a bachelor of science in imaging sciences program. UAFS’s sonography program prepares students with extensive knowledge in human gross, sectional anatomy, patient care and pathophysiology.

If you want to attend Arkansas State University, you can receive an advanced certificate in cardiac sonography. This program which complements the possession of an associate degree in healthcare offers four courses; cardiac sonography, cardiac conduction and arrhythmia, and competency sonography lab II. Courses offered at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences helps students gain knowledge in basic patient care, gynecologic sonography, physics, cardiophysiology, and much more.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Arkansas

If desired, you can also attend the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences can become a certified diagnostic medical sonography professional after the successful attainment of a bachelor of science degree in diagnostic medical sonography. The bachelor of science degree offered through University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences can be completed within two years with the successful completion of 72 credits. The sonography degree program offered through University of Arkansas-Fort Smith requires the successful completion of 50 credit hours. Although the offering of advanced training is offered through these educational institutes, students must also pass the certification examination offered through the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Arkansas

Sonographer positions in Arkansas are primarily available in Little Rock, Fayetteville, Jonesboro, Conway, West Arkansas, and Fort Smith. Ideally, this position is vital to the OB/GYN and hospital sectors of the healthcare field. Sonographers are also needed in laboratories, outpatient care facilities, and higher education institutions.

The field of sonography is vast and the demand for diagnostic medical sonographers who have entry level industry education to advanced level education will be in great demand during the next seven years. This growing demand is based upon the constant influx of patients who are expectant mothers and patients who require initial diagnoses in addition to continuous monitoring of various conditions.