Connecticut Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Many of today’s students are studying for a career in the medical profession, and many students are choosing to become a sonogram technician. Sonography is a diagnostic procedure which produces visual images of the body’s internal organs, tissues, or blood flow by using high frequency sound waves.

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Connecticut

Sonography programs can vary on the length of time needed to complete the program based on the type of degree or certificate received. Most programs lengths run from one year to four years. A diagnostic medical sonography program can be specialized or general. Some of the specialized programs include vascular, cardiac, and neurosonology, though many sonography schools programs include vascular studies in both cardiac and general studies. While the prerequisites for the course can often be taken in an online class or in a classroom, the majority of the class will consist of hands on learning in both the classroom and a clinical setting.

Throughout the program, not only will you learn how to take diagnostic visual images, but other aspects of the health profession as well. As a sonography student, you will learn how to identify and analyze a patients symptoms, how to interact with a patient and to work along side doctors and other health care providers.

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Sonography Technician Licensing in Connecticut

In Connecticut, certifications are not required for a career as a diagnostic medical sonographer, but it is a good idea to have a certificate. To do so, an exam administered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Sonography must be passed. To take this exam, first you must have graduated from a school that is accredited with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, if your program was not accredited, you will have to take a twelve month clinical course.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Connecticut

Connecticut currently employs one percent of the nations sonographers, and ranks fifth in the nation in pay, as reported by the BLS.

Sonographers have the unique option of being able to choose their working environment. Work places can include hospitals, clinics, and long term care facilities. The field of sonography is not limited to patient care alone, sonography technicians can also chose to become educators with a four year degree. Along with the variety of jobs available to sonographers, the number of available jobs are growing. With more advances in the medical field, and an ever growing number of patients, the need for medical imaging specialists are growing as well.