DC Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in District of Columbia

When you’re enrolled in a program in the District of Columbia Sonogram training program, you will learn a variety of skills including how to operate the equipment, human anatomy, physics, and medical ethics. These classes and the others offered will more than prepare graduates for their careers in the field of sonography.

As long as the program is accredited, you should be able to get a job in the industry and gain certification fairly easily. The programs are typically between one to four years, but a registered nurse can complete the course in one year. Most of the programs cater to the busy student who may have other obligations. Some other programs are more like traditional educational institutions. Overall, the programs in District of Columbia are excellent programs.

Sonography Technician Licensing in District of Columbia

Every three years, sonographers must complete 30 continuing education units. These credits can be earned by attending conferences and by completing online recertification credits. Online recertification credits can help to increase a person’s understanding in the field. The exams usually cost approximately $200 each and require at least a few weeks of studying prior to taking the exam. Sonographophers must also maintain their CPR license while living and practicing sonography in the District of Columbia.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in District of Columbia

This is a growing field that is expected to be one of the primary sources of growth. The same graduates can also work in offices of physicians, hospitals, and medical and diagnostics. The field is expected to grow by 44 percent from 2008 to 2020.

District Of Columbia

George Washington University (Washington, DC)
Programs Offered:
Bachelor of Science in Sonography
Sonography Certificate Program