Georgia Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

A sonogram technician has a vital role within the medical community. Their job involves operating medical equipment that monitors the internal health of the human body. This high frequency medical equipment transmits images that allow professionals to assess internal health. The resulting images allow for medical professionals to diagnose conditions such as heart disease or cancer. Other times sonography technicians use these images to monitor the development of a fetus during pregnancy.

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Georgia

To become a sonogram technician, you must attain training from an accredited college or university. Most programs are two years in length, although some are condensed to just 18 months. Since sonogram technicians spend a lot of time interacting with patients, you can expect a lot of hands-on training. The program itself is suitable for anyone looking to gain an entry level position into the medical field.

A few of the accredited ultrasound technology schools in Georgia are Darton College, Columbus Technical College, Georgia Northwestern Technical College, and Grady Health Systems Professional Schools.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Georgia

In order to become certified as a sonography technician, you must receive your education from an accredited institution. The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) states that, “Candidates pursuing primary pathway certification in Sonography must have — within the past three years — successfully completed a Sonography educational program that is accredited by a mechanism acceptable to the ARRT.”

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After successfully completing a program at an accredited institution, you can then register with the American Registry of Diagnostic Sonographers. An alternative option would involve working in a medical facility that is registered with the Society for Diagnostic Medical Sonography for one full year.

After attaining the proper education, sonography technicians must pass an examination. This federally-required examination is used to assess knowledge and skill that is required through ARRT. Every five years, sonogram technicians must take this test in order to retain their certification. The majority of the test consists of multiple choice questions.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Georgia

One of the best things about becoming a sonogram technician in Georgia is that it has a positive career outlook. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, The ultrasound technician job outlook in 2014 is bright. Between 2012 and 2022, the number of sonography jobs is expected to increase by 39 percent nationally. Since the cost of living in Georgia is relatively low, becoming a licensed sonogram technician can be that much more appealing.

The demand for sonogram technicians increases around major cities. Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Augusta, and Columbus are a few big cities that experiencing an increase in demand for sonogram technicians. Job stability and earning potential are just two reasons why sonography can be a desirable career choice.

Overall, becoming a sonogram technician is an excellent career choice for those who have a passion for working in the medical field. For more information about becoming a sonogram technician, let us help you find the school that is a perfect fit for you!