Hawaii Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving Your Sonography Technician Training in Hawaii

The sonogram technician plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating life-threatening issues, assisting in the tracking of fetus development throughout pregnancy and is a critical part of a medical team. Diagnostic medical sonography, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound, uses high frequency sound waves to create photographic or real-time images of the body’s interior.

Although, apart from passing the American Association of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) primary and post examinations, Hawaii does not require sonographers to obtain specific licensure before starting work, becoming credentialed is highly important to career advancement as many clinics prefer hiring credentialed personnel.

Sonography training should be completed via an accredited program. Sonography schools holding proper accreditation can be located via the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Some sonography programs last one year; others can be up to four years in length. The longer the program, the more advanced the degree and the more varied the skills students obtain. The majority of programs in Hawaii offer a split curriculum, where learning takes place in both a classroom (or online) setting and also via clinical experiences. Many training programs have a relationship with local ultrasound labs where students learn hands-on skills in a real-world environment.

Classroom courses cover terminology, patient safety rules and protocols for the healthcare industry, including becoming familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Classroom work also familiarizes students with sonographic equipment and basic human anatomy and pathology. Hands-on training in the clinical setting involves both learning and demonstrating an ability to perform progressively more advanced sonographic examinations on patients.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Hawaii

Hawaii does not currently require a specific license in order to become employed as a sonographer. However, Hawaii does require all sonographers to be proficient in CPR and to be able to pass the ARRT examinations. Additionally, the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) requires that a sonographer’s education include clinical experiences if the sonographer is to become certified. Sonographers can obtain certification credentials via the ARRT, and these must be renewed each year. Every two years, certified personnel must have proof of completion of 24 continuing education (CE) credits from accredited CE programs.

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ARRT certification may be completed in a wide variety of categories, including bone densitometry, cardiac-interventional radiography, computed tomography, mammography, quality management, vascular-interventional radiography and magnetic resonance imaging. Certification can be obtained in multiple categories at once, giving the sonographer a broad range of knowledge and better opportunities for career advancement, improved salary and enhanced self-confidence when on the job.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Hawaii

The career outlook for sonographers is positive in more than strictly salary and position fulfillment statistics. Sonography offers a wide variety of technical and people-centered tasks, making it a diverse and rewarding career. Sonogram technicians perform scans on several different areas of the body, and can specialize in anatomical topics they find most interesting. The technicians also fulfill a number of other roles related to the sonography process. Sonogram technicians interact with the patient, informing them about the upcoming procedure and helping them feel more at ease by answering questions and providing details about sonograms. Sonogram technicians maintain their equipment, sometimes recommending upgrades and purchases, and perform quality control checks. The technicians also work closely with doctors to ensure that the correct anatomical areas are being scanned, that the images show exactly what the physician needs to see, and that all sonograms are clear and of high quality.