Idaho Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Idaho

Becoming a trained sonogram technician can pave the way toward a fulfilling and possibly lucrative career. Those who wish to become a sonography tech must first enroll in an approved post secondary education program that focuses on sonography. A typical sonography program will include basic courses that cover math and science as well as standards technicians must observe daily in their workplace. You can also expect to be trained in using computers as most modern sonogram equipment is computer-based.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Idaho

Idaho currently does not require licensing for trained sonography techs who wish to work professionally in their field of study. However, by obtaining voluntary certification, technicians become more attractive to prospective employers when seeking a job. In addition, Idaho has recently considered implementing licensing requirements; therefore, by becoming certified, technicians may effectively prepare for a possible upcoming change in the law. The American Registry of Radiologic Technicians is a national certifying body and professional group that offers professionals the opportunity to become certified through an exam. ARRT certification is widely accepted among states across the U.S., and it is successful completion of the organization’s exam often comprises a main element of various states’ licensing requirements.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Idaho

Sonogram technicians in Idaho enjoy a favorable career outlook and competitive salaries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that between 2010 and 2020, the number of job openings for sonogram techs will grow 44 percent, a rate that is much higher than the national projected job growth rate. An increasing trend in the use of sonogram technology for medical diagnostic purposes over more invasive diagnostic procedures is believed to be the cause of the remarkable job growth rate for sonogram technicians.

You could find yourself working for colleges, universities, and professional schools, outpatient centers, specialty hospitals, management companies and enterprises, and employment service organizations as a sonography tech. With favorable salary expectations and an extremely high job growth rate, nontraditional adult students as well as those who are just beginning to pursue post secondary education immediately after completing high school or a GED may find sonogram technology to be a rewarding career path.