Mississippi Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Mississippi

As elsewhere, Mississippi sonography technician training focuses primarily on the mechanical operation and proper usage of sophisticated machinery that emits sound waves to generate visual imagery.

Total number of credits and specific course topics largely depend on level of study. For instance, two-year Associate’s degree programs typically include more general coursework like English or Basic Mathematics than do one-year certificate programs. Moreover, training in Sonography subspecialties like Cardiovascular or Echocardiograph is generally available only at the Associate’s level. Likewise, four-year Bachelor’s degree programs encompass many courses on broader topics such as Healthcare Administration or Medical Records management.

Regardless of school or level of study, certain basics are universally required. Some of the classes your program will offer will be anatomy & physiology, patient care & ethics, medical terminology, medical records management, and healthcare psychology. Upon successful completion of all the fundamentals, students move on to advanced Sonography-specific coursework such as sonography introduction, sonography clinical practice introduction, sonography case studies, sonography procedures applied laboratory, abdominal sonography, obstetrics & gynecology sonography, and sonography physics and instruments.

Sonography technician licensing in Mississippi

Mississippi does not require licensure for Sonography technicians. Most employers strongly prefer certified applicants, however. This is because certification assures that you have sufficient skill to operate potentially dangerous radiography equipment safely. Besides that, certification opens the door to higher earnings potential and more career advancement opportunities.

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The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) offers Sonography technician certification. Passage of a comprehensive Sonography Principles & Instrumentation Examination (SPI) is required to obtain ARDMS certification. SPI is a comprehensive two-hour exam consisting of 110 multiple-choice questions and simulated exercises in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Neurosonology, Breast, Abdomen, and Fetal Echocardiography Sonography techniques. Successful examinees receive certification as a Registered Diagnostic Medial Sonographer.

Graduation from an approved training program and pre-payment of a $100 USD testing fee are the two prerequisites to sit for the exam. Downloadable certification exam applications and online registration can be downloaded.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Mississippi

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

An aging population and advancing medical technologies ensure ample employment opportunities for Mississippi Sonography techs. In addition, Mississippi has many major medical facilities such as Tupelo Hospital, Baptist Memorial Hospital, North Mississippi Medical Center, and University of Mississippi Medical Center. Thus, aspiring Sonography technicians should expect a warm welcome and widely opened arms from prospective employers in the Hospitality State.