New York Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Over the years, because of an increase in the public knowledge surrounding the harmful effects of radiation, there is a higher demand for medical professionals who can carry out ultrasound imaging. To become one of these professionals, you will need to become a sonogram technician. The educational paths that you can travel down to become this type of technician are straightforward. However, you do have several options to choose from.

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in New York

Before you begin your educational studies to become a sonogram technician, you first need to choose the subfield you want to enter into. For example, three of the more common fields are cardiac sonography, neonatal sonography, and vascular sonography. To help you choose the subfield that you will enjoy the most, consider shadowing different sonogram technicians that work in each of these fields. Once you decide, you can then choose an educational training program that is relevant to the area you want to work in.

When you choose a school, make sure you enroll in one that offers accredited programs. If you don’t, you may find it difficult to obtain employment after graduation. In fact, you won’t even be able to sit for the national certification exam. Before entering into a certain sonogram technology program in New York, you may have to meet certain prerequisites. Some schools will mandate that you complete certain courses before applying for admission into the training program. Common prerequisites often include CPR training, anatomy, physiology, labs, and general chemistry.

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Additionally, you need to go through a physical exam and obtain certain vaccinations before entering into your training program. The reasoning behind this is that most hospitals and medical facilities will require these things of you before they allow you to begin your clinical experience. For the most part, in New York you will find three basic ways to become a sonogram technician. You can complete a one-year certificate program, earn a two-year associate degree in sonogram technology, or earn a four-year bachelor’s degree in sonogram technology. If you prefer, you can go beyond these credentials and earn either a master’s or doctoral degree. If you do this, you will be required to spend much time in school, usually exceeding seven years or longer.

Sonography Technician Licensing in New York

In the state of New York, you don’t need licensure on a statewide level to become a sonogram technician, but employers may prefer that you become certified through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Once you complete all of your educational studies to become a sonogram technician, including all coursework, lab work and clinical training, you can then apply to sit for the certification exam offered through the ARDMS. Completing the exam takes about two hours. If you don’t pass the first time, take comfort in knowing you have to wait only 60 days before taking it again.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in New York

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York is one of the top five states with the highest number of working ultrasound technicians. Salaries vary, depending on where you work and how much experience you have. On average, New York diagnostic medical sonographers earn $74,480 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018).