Washington Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Washington

It’s the responsibility of any ultrasound technician to learn to capture images that will aid in diagnosing the patient’s condition. Sound waves are used to accomplish this goal. You will learn to work in hospitals, medical centers, clinics, diagnostic imaging labs, and healthcare centers. Sonographers are also responsible for assisting the medical practitioner when analyzing the patient’s disease. You will also learn how to produce quality images of the kidneys, abdomen, heart, pancreas, and spleen and how to maintain the equipment that is used.

Classes in ultrasound technician schools will teach you to think critically and to be productive and efficient in the field. You will learn human anatomy, physiology, patient care, ultrasound physics, pathophysiology, and patient care. You should know subjects such as physics, biology, and English to succeed in this field.

During training, there are ample opportunities for hands-on training. This type of training is required to effectively complete the program. Depending on the program of study and the school attended, the program can take between two and four years to complete. You will be able to help others and have a certain degree of job security. Here are a few of the schools in Washington that offer sonography technician programs; Bellevue College, Columbia Basin College, Seattle University, Spokane Community College, and Tacoma Community College.

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Sonography Technician Licensing in Washington

American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) and American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) are the two best licensing scenarios that every sonography technician should be aware of when completing a degree program. The program will require learning the requirements and taking a test to prove ARRT is a professional credential criteria that is stricter and positions you to be ready for the federal licensure requirement. To remain certified, there should be a three-year period of retraining and continuing education to remain in good standing.