Vascular Technician Schools in Alabama

Doctors and nurses rely heavily on medical imaging specialists. Use the skills gained in a vascular technician program to work with images of the heart and blood vessels. Want to get involved in the growing field of medical imaging? Use our resources to learn more about becoming a medical sonographer in Alabama.

Receiving Your Vascular Technician Training in Alabama

Before jumping in and working with patients, you have to get the right training. Alabama technical schools and community colleges offer a variety of degree options. The most convenient option may be an Associate’s degree in vascular technology. Over a period of two years, earn at least 60 credits on your way to an Associate in Applied Science Degree.

To get ready for a career in vascular technology, you take a variety of courses. Some of the core classes you may take include Introduction to Cardiovascular Technology, Essentials of Sonography, and Medical Terminology.

After building your general knowledge and skills, you can get ready for the workforce by taking more advanced classes. These classes include Peripheral Venous Sonography, Vascular Clinical Experience, Sonographic Instrumentation, and Cerebrovascular Imaging. In many of these classes, you get to work in the lab or build experience in a clinical setting. Learn more about specific requirements at schools near you by contacting Alabama vascular technology schools today.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Alabama

Certification leads to the title of Registered Vascular Technologist. The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography requires that you pass two tests: Sonography Principles & Instrumentation and Vascular Technology. Before you can take the test, you have to provide documentation of at least 150 ultrasound procedures in the past three years. This certification shows potential employers what you know and how you can use your knowledge.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Alabama

Vascular technologists work in a variety of settings, typically clinics and hospitals. In a clinic, you may work regular daytime weekday hours with non-emergency cases. If you work in a hospital, you may work a variety of hours to handle non-emergency and emergency cases as they arise. You work alongside doctors and nurses to capture clear images and interpret them.

You may earn a wide range of salaries throughout your career. In Alabama, the average salary for a vascular or cardiovascular technologist is $49,130 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). Job growth is on the rise in Alabama, exceeding national averages. By the year 2024, O*Net expects to see a 25% increase in job openings in this state (2017).

As you become more experienced and get strong references in this industry, you may be able to take on more specialized tasks under the guidance of a physician or nurse practitioner. Many professionals in this field earn an hourly wage, creating the opportunity for overtime and holiday pay in many facilities.

A career in vascular sonography can be exciting and rewarding! Find out how you can get started now by contacting Alabama vascular technologist schools for more information.