Vascular Technician Programs in Alaska

Though many people encounter difficulties researching ways to jump start their careers as a vascular technician, has taken the initiative to provide you with all the information you need about training, licensing, and career outlook for vascular technicians in the State of Alaska. With our help, you can rest assured that you have the knowledge you need to pursue your vascular technician career today.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Alaska

As there are no schools in Alaska that offer training for aspiring vascular technicians, you may want to consider schools that offer vascular technician programs online. There are many examples of colleges offering an online vascular technician program. This program usually lasts two semesters and you’ll receive a certificate upon completion. Tuition and other required expenses for a vascular technician program online will vary depending on the program you decide to enroll in. After completing most of your study through an online program, you’ll most likely partake in internships offered at accredited hospitals and gain invaluable hands-on experience.

Regardless of which program you choose, a strong background in algebra, chemistry and other sciences are recommended prior to beginning training. Following completion of your training program, you will be able to operate equipment used for analysis of vascular systems, assist physicians in performing diagnostic and invasive cardiovascular and vascular procedures, and provide excellent patient care.

Some vascular technicians receive on-the-job training instead of formal education.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Alaska

Vascular technicians are not strictly required to have degrees or certification of any kind, but you can strengthen your employment prospects by obtaining an associate degree and/or formal certification.

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The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography offers a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) certification through examination, and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists offer Vascular Sonography Certification to those who are registered with the ARRT in another area, such as Sonography or Radiation Therapy. Experience in clinical settings for this certification became required in July 2013 and formal education requirements will go into effect in January 2016. Examinations are also necessary for this credential.

Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Alaska

If you’re a vascular technician in Alaska, you’re in luck—the mean annual wage of vascular technicians in Alaska is $80,310, by far the highest of any state and almost $30,000 higher than the national average annual wage for this occupation, reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You may want to improve your chances by conducting your job search in the Anchorage metropolitan area, as it is the only area in the state where employment in this field is significant. Vascular technicians in Anchorage also have the highest mean annual wage of any U.S. metropolitan area for this occupation at $82,480.

The future is bright for vascular technicians. Employment is projected to increase by roughly 30% according to the BLS, which is significantly more than average. By pursuing a career in vascular technology, you place your future on the solid foundation of an in-demand occupation and pave the way toward higher earnings in the future.

The majority of vascular technicians (about 80% of the national total) work in hospitals, but a significant number also work in physician offices. Working in a physician office can put you at a slight advantage as those who do earn a salary premium of roughly $5,000 over their hospital counterparts on average.