Vascular Technician Programs in Connecticut

Are you looking for information about becoming a vascular technician? has compiled a significant amount of information about vascular technology to help you make an important career decision. You can learn about the industry and begin searching for vascular technician schools in Connecticut with our help. Begin applying to schools today!

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Connecticut

You can receive your vascular technician education in Connecticut by enrolling in an accredited program. The program generally takes 18 months and you may be able to take the courses day or night. The courses will involve textbooks as well as labs. You will find that there is a lot of hands on learning during this program. It’s important to choose a specialty. There are four to choose from:

  • Echocardiography – non-invasive diagnostic tests to learn about heart disease.
  • Invasive cardiovascular technology – invasive procedures to diagnose and treat heart disease.
  • Non-invasive vascular study – non-invasive procedures and diagnostic testing.
  • Electrophysiology – studying heart rhythm disorders and learning how to treat them.

Once you choose one of the four specialties, you can begin learning within that specialty. You may learn how to handle procedures regarding coronary intervention, how to calculate blood flow, how to operate sonography equipment, and more. Your textbook work will include details about the human body, cardiac chambers and conditions of the heart. You can begin exploring various vascular tech schools in Connecticut today!

Vascular Technician Licensing in Connecticut

When it comes to getting licensed, you will need to complete a vascular tech program in the state. There are no Connecticut state certification requirements for a vascular technician. The Medical Board only requires certain health care professionals to be licensed.

When you work for an employer, you may have to show various information. For example, you may need to show that you have graduated from a vascular technician program and that you are going for CEEs (continuing education credits) on a yearly basis to stay current with technology.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Connecticut

The career outlook for vascular technicians in Connecticut is great. The growth rate is at 29 percent for the next 10 years, demonstrating a lot of growth and more career opportunities than ever before. In terms of salary, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that you can earn a salary around $63,310, which is more than $10,000 higher than the median salary for this career field. You have the ability to work in various facilities. You can work in a hospital, a doctor’s office, a clinic and various other places. You can work with a general physician or a cardiologist. Depending on the specialty you choose when enrolling in a program, you have the ability to work in various environments.

Learn all there is to know about becoming a vascular technician in Connecticut. Start looking for schools in your area today by viewing more details on our website. Enrolling in a program gives you the opportunity to start on your chosen career path today!