Vascular Technician Programs in New Mexico

Now that you have decided to consider becoming a vascular technician, you may have discovered that finding all the right information can be a daunting process. Fortunately, has compiled all the information you need on training, certification, job outlook, and how to enroll in school to become a vascular tech.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in New Mexico

A vascular technician training program my take as little as one year or as many as four years to complete, depending on whether you choose to specialize in one or more areas. Most schools offer an associate’s degree; however, you may decide to enhance your education by completing additional training and potentially earning a higher degree. Courses you will be required to complete include human anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, English Composition, math, and hands-on classes that cover the subjects of ultrasound, echocardiography, and peripheral vascular and are taught in a laboratory setting. You will also likely gain experience working in a clinical setting with real patients.

Vascular Technician Licensing in New Mexico

Licensing is not required for individuals who wish to begin a career as a vascular technician. However, to increase your marketability as a job candidate, you will likely want to obtain certification. There are several organizations that offer certification. In most cases, you must first graduate from an approved vascular tech school, or you may be able to meet the education requirement by presenting proof of having worked in a related field for the required number of years. Certification criteria will vary from organization to organization.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in New Mexico

One of the reasons that may have initially attracted your interest to the vascular technician career field is the occupation’s favorable outlook. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, vascular tech jobs are expected to increase an estimated 29 percent between 2010 and 2020, making vascular tech jobs among the fastest-growing in the U.S. The average salary for vascular technicians in New Mexico is approximately $60,000 annually. Most vascular techs are employed in general medical and surgical hospitals, medical and diagnostic labs, physicians’ offices, outpatient care centers, and certain specialty hospitals. With faster than average job growth, competitive salary expectations, and a variety potential work environments, you will likely find that studying to work in the vascular technology field is a stable career choice. Wherever you are in your decision-making process, let us help you find all the career advice and information you need before taking the next step.