Vascular Technician Programs in New York

Concise and clear information regarding vascular technician programs in New York can be tricky to find. At, we’re dedicated to remedying that problem with our extensive, meticulously compiled collection of references to institutions across the nation offering vascular technology programs. Vascular technology is a field with promising growth projections through 2020 as the pertinent medical procedures transition into ones requiring less invasive surgery and high costs. Stick with us and we will gladly help you get in touch with a school featuring a respected curriculum and national accreditation.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in New York

If you choose to undertake a vascular technician training program in New York, you’ll find yourself deciding between an A.A.S. in cardiovascular technology from and a certificate from the vascular technology program. Some schools will offer programs relating to vascular technology, which is useful but you will miss the correct training for this field. Students are expected to undergo two years of courses that will prepare you for work in invasive cardiology and echocardiography in addition to vascular technology while nurturing your professional competency in multiple areas. Most programs last 12 months and consist of full-time day courses that prepare you for an entry-level vascular technologist position.

Vascular Technician Licensing in New York

Schools typically advise vascular technology students to pursue certification with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Graduation from either of most schools will enable you to immediately apply to complete this organization’s exam, which is considered highly important by employers throughout New York and other states as well. Students who graduate from schools without accreditation have to find bachelor’s programs to avoid ARDMS’s requirement of a year’s prior work, and many complain that employers are unwilling to consider them before they’ve had a chance to complete the certification.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in New York

As a cardiovascular technologist or technician in New York you can expect an income with a mean in the upper half of the country’s figures. This figure was at $54,240 reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with an hourly mean wage of $26.08. 2,880 cardiovascular technologists and technicians were employed in New York in May 2012 leading to an employment ratio of .34 to every 1,000 people. The location quotient for jobs in the field in New York was .87, which is slightly below the national average, but it’s important to remember that this field is booming rapidly across the country. With a degree from a vascular tech program in New York, you should be able to search for work in vascular technology with confidence!