Vascular Technician Programs in Pennsylvania

If you would like to work alongside medical professionals while assisting patients who have heart-related health issues, a job as a vascular tech might be the perfect option for you. Although it can be confusing to wade through the massive amount of information that is available online, we have make it as simple as possible for you to learn about this exciting opportunity here at From information about training and job requirements to a list of schools that offer this training in Pennsylvania, you can find everything you need to get started toward your goals here.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Pennsylvania

To become a vascular technician in Pennsylvania, you will first want to seek a two-year degree in Applied Science. While working toward your degree, you will take math and science classes and will learn a lot about the human body. You will also be taught about handling prescriptions, using ultrasound equipment and more. Then, you can work on a certificate of specialization in the field of cardiovascular health. In this specialized training, you will learn more about using electrocardiograph equipment and other tools that are commonly used to diagnose heart conditions and other similar issues. After you complete your training, you will be ready to help doctors and nurses determine problems with patients and give these patients the care that they need and deserve. From giving interviews to find out patient information and documenting this data to handling ultrasounds and other tests, you will learn the ropes of completing all of these tasks and more while you are in school.

To find out more about the various vascular technician training programs that are available in Pennsylvania, take a look at our list of local schools below. Then, you can find an institution that offers the program you want and that is located in your geographic area.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Pennsylvania

After completing your schooling, you will probably want to seek a certification before looking for jobs. Although it is not required for you to be certified to work as a vascular technician in Pennsylvania, doing so will help you look more appealing to those who are looking at you for job openings and can even help you earn a higher salary.

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There are a few different organizations that you can work with to earn your certification. Cardiovascular Credentialing International offers various credentialing exams; after passing the exam, you will maintain your certification for three years. To maintain it, you will have to take continuing education classes and re-register.

Alternatively, you can choose to be certified through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The ARDMS offers a Registered Vascular Technologist examination as well as other credential options.

Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Pennsylvania

Data that was compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that there should be a job increase of approximately 20 percent for vascular technicians across the state by 2020. Not only is the job market for vascular technicians healthy in Pennsylvania, but those who work in this industry in the state make more money than the nationwide median. For example, the national median annual salary for vascular technicians was $52,100 in 2012, but the median in Pennsylvania was $52,700 the same year.

The job options for vascular technicians in Pennsylvania are plentiful. Not only can you look for work in a cardiologist’s office, but you can even apply for jobs in hospitals and more. No matter where you choose to work, you are sure to love being such a critical part of the healthcare industry. To learn more about going to school for vascular medical sonography, check out our list of local schools today.