Vascular Technician Programs in Washington

Vascular technicians are essential to the care of individuals with heart conditions and diseases of the circulatory system. They are often responsible for taking the medical histories of patients, conducting initial screenings and analyzing test results. They are also required to operate ultrasound and electrocardiograph machines, monitoring the tests for any abnormal results that need to be reported to the physician.

Because of the essential role that vascular technicians play in critically ill patients, it is essential that they receive the best training available. However, finding the right school or training program can be overwhelming. can make the task of finding a training program easier. We have compiled a list of all of the vascular technician programs in the United States, making it easy to find Washington training programs. We also provide information on the career outlook and salary expectations for vascular technicians in Washington, helping you make your important career decisions.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in Washington

Training to become a vascular technician can take between two and four years depending on the program requirements of each specific school. In Washington, there are several programs that offer vascular technician training. Most vascular tech programs offer an associate’s degree that takes approximately six quarters to complete. In addition, students must complete a six month full-time internship in a clinical setting. Students can expect to take courses in chemistry, math, human anatomy and ultrasound imaging. Students are required to complete basic medical sonography training and then receive additional training in vascular technology. Students can expect to complete both classroom and lab work in addition to clinical internships.

Vascular Technician Licensing in Washington

In Washington, you can earn a certification as a radiologic technologist in order to work as a vascular technician. In order to receive this certification, you must have graduated from an accredited program specializing in diagnostic radiologic technology. An official transcript or official letter from the school dean must be sent to the Washington department of licensing in order to receive certification. In addition, all applicants must complete seven hours of HIV/AIDS training. Certification is valid for two years. Applicants are not required to complete any continuing education.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in Washington

In Washington, those with an associate’s degree in vascular technology may be qualified for positions as a vascular technologist, vascular sonographer or a cardiovascular technologist. Technologists can find career opportunities in several settings including hospitals, doctor’s offices, cardiovascular clinics, mobile sonography services and free-standing vascular laboratories.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 17.0% increase in demand for cardiovascular technologists. The annual average wage is $66,920. Diagnostic medical sonographers have an average annual salary of $80,000 with an expected career demand growth of 8.2%.

In Washington, the demand for qualified vascular technicians is increasing. With this high demand and above-average expected salary, Washington is a great choice for those interested in pursuing careers in vascular technology.