Vascular Technician Programs in West Virginia

If you’re having problems looking for comprehensive information on vascular technology and ultrasound degree programs, let us here at help you! We have created a hand-crafted database that provides information on certificate/diploma or degree options, school location, and length of programs.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in West Virginia

At most vascular tech programs you can enroll in an Associate degree program in cardiovascular technology. You can choose from four specialties in the program: Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Non-Invasive Vascular Study, and Adult Echocardiography. Consisting of an 18-month curriculum, you will be taking core courses in subjects such as cardiovascular pharmacology, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), electrophysiology, echocardiography, ultrasound instrumentation, and/or peripheral vascular technology, depending on which specialty you choose. Regardless of track, though, you are required most of the time to take the following prerequisites: anatomy and physiology, college algebra, physics, and chemistry. You’ll also participate in a pair of clinical rotations for hands-on experience.

Vascular Technician Licensing in West Virginia

No state or local government in the United States requires licensing or certification in vascular technology, and West Virginia is no exception. There are professional certifications, though, that are worth considering. Employers are increasingly placing emphasis on certification when it comes to hiring vascular technologists because the credential symbolizes a certain level of professionalism in the field. For vascular techs in particular, the most popular certification is the RVT, or Registered Vascular Technologist, which requires graduation from an accredited program. To get the RVT credential, you must pass the Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) national board examination.

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Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in West Virginia

As a vascular technologist, you can expect to work in a hospital, medical or diagnostic laboratory, outpatient care center, or for state or local government agency. In 2012, vascular techs in West Virginia made a median yearly wage of $42,300, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The agency also noted that the top 10 percent of vascular techs in the state made $68,300. The BLS estimated that there are 460 vascular techs in West Virginia—a number that the agency expects to climb by 28 percent. This compares favorably with the national growth rate for the profession, at 29 percent; both rates are faster than the average for all professions in the U.S. The field of vascular technology is not going anywhere soon, which is why it is wise to get enrolled in a program nearby at the earliest opportunity to reap the benefits.