Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in Mississippi

Mississippi offers numerous job opportunities in the sonography field, including a career as a cardiac ultrasound technician. Because medical facilities across the state are focused on implementing technologies to assist with illness diagnosis, you may benefit from career stability in this growing industry.

Earning your degree in echocardiography and becoming certified are key components of being successful in this field. Contact the schools below to learn more about your options!

Whether you choose to obtain your cardiac ultrasound certificate through a campus program or online, you should make sure the echocardiograph program is registered with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health. By enrolling in an accredited program, you can ensure you are properly prepared for taking the cardiac ultrasound certification exam once you have graduated.

If you are planning on becoming a certified cardiac technologist, the following echocardiograph programs are common degrees you can enroll in:

  • Associate of Applied Science in diagnostic cardiac sonography or echocardiography
  • Associate of Science in cardiovascular sonography or technology
  • Associate of Science in diagnostic cardiovascular sonography

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Mississippi

If you already have a degree in nursing or sonography, you may enroll in a one-year cardiac imaging program, but you should make sure the certificate and your work experience will qualify you for taking the echocardiography credentialing exam, which is offered by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.

You will need to first complete a year of full-time employment in the applicable field at a certified medical facility before you will be eligible for the exam. If you do not have a medical degree, you can enroll in on associate’s degree program, which will take around two years to complete. Before you are accepted into any college, you will first need to complete the required prerequisites, such as taking anatomy and medical terminology.

Many colleges in Mississippi are now offering bachelor and master’s degrees in radiologic sciences, which may increase your pay grade, marketability, and career options at medical facilities. These programs can take anywhere between four and six years to complete.

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Each educational path will help you become a licensed cardiac ultrasound technician, but if you are faced with going to college and working at the same time to make ends meet, then you may be able to take advantage of various financial aid options offered by the government. The FAFSA and Federal Pell Grants help cover college costs for eligible students who are unable to pay for college, and federal loan programs offer low interest loans to offset educational expenses.

Echo Tech Careers in Mississippi

If you are planning on becoming a certified echocardiography technologist in Mississippi, employment experts predict a 39 percent growth in the sonography industry, which includes cardiac technology (BLS, 2013). With Mississippi currently employing approximately 550 technologists, this demand increase may provide an additional 215 jobs by 2022 (BLS, 2013).

To increase your marketability with future employers, you may want to register as a cardiac technologist with The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists to prove you are proficient in your field.

Recent studies report that echocardiograph technicians in Mississippi earn a mean wage of $55,830 annually, but by certifying in fetal, pediatric, or adult echocardiography, you can potentially make around $74,080 annually (BLS, 2013). From hospitals and medical labs to physicians’ offices and care centers, earning your degree in echocardiography can open many career opportunities for you throughout Mississippi.

Request program information from the schools listed on our site to get details that can help you decide which route is best for you.