Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in Nevada

The field of ultrasonography utilizes a diagnostic imaging process that uses sound waves to diagnose and treat patients in a noninvasive fashion. This can be a very rewarding career. A certificate is necessary from an accredited college or university, and it typically takes one year to complete.

The minimal education is typically an associate degree before getting your certificate. Many hospitals are looking for graduates with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university, but Nevada, like other states, does not require a license. If you are thinking of entering an echocardiogram technician program in Nevada, contact the schools with ultrasonography programs today to learn more.

An Associate’s degree in Cardiac Sonography may provide you with job security in a rewarding career, but the bachelor’s degree may allow you to move into a management position with a higher income. Take some time to review all of your options before selecting the school and program that can best meet your needs.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Nevada

Nevada has a Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Cardiac/Vascular Ultrasound tract, which requires 92 credit hours for an associate degree, which has 27 credits for general education classes and 65 credits for special program requirements. The Cardiac/Vascular Program Is six semesters long and includes clinical training.

The admission criteria to a cardiac ultrasound tech program in NV usually includes your official transcripts from, high school and any college courses you may have completed. They also require the TEAS Exam results.

The curriculum for general education includes:

  • Communications
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Studies
  • U.S. and Nevada Constitutions (History 101and102)
  • Technical Physics

Once you complete your general education requirements and prerequisites, you can move on to the cardiac sonography program courses, which may include:

  • Medical Terminology I
  • Basic Cardiac Sonography and lab
  • Echocardiography I, II
  • Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation I, II and lab
  • Stress Echocardiography
  • Similar and Case Review I, II
  • Pediatric Echocardiography I, II
  • Vascular Sonography I, II and Lab
  • Vascular Sonography I, II and Lab I, II
  • Sonographic Clinical Practicum I, II, III, IV, V
  • Cardiac Registry Review

There are also several online echo tech programs available, offering you the flexibility you may need to complete your degree. Contact all of the schools listed on our site that offer cardiac sonography programs on line to learn more about admissions, curriculum and costs.

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Upon graduation you are eligible to sit for the National Registry Exams for Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography to receive the RDCS credential. This is a credential that proves you are well-prepared in your field of study, and employers look on resumes for this mark of excellence.

If you need financial assistance, fill out the FAFSA application you will find at the Financial Aid Office at your college. This is a federal grant program based on income. There are some scholarships available in Nevada, which are based on academic merit. The Government Guinn Scholarship is available through the Nevada State Treasurer’s Office for high school seniors who are pursuing a four year degree.

Nevada has recently implemented a variety of new programs, such as the Nevada Access Grant to help the disenfranchised receive an education. There is also a Nevada Regents Service Program that is state-funded and provides paid internships. They also help with employment placement.

Echo Tech Careers in Nevada

The expected growth rate of cardiac sonographer jobs is 39 percent by 2022. The bulk of the sonographers work is in the larger cities. Positions are available in hospitals, doctor’s offices, outpatient clinics and other healthcare facilities.

Nevada Cardiac Sonographers earned an average annual income of $53,990 in 2013, but the salaries can range up to $82,920. This salary may increase if you are credentialed as a RDCS, and if you have healthcare experience. Your earnings for your service in Nevada can also help you pay your tuition expenses.

You will have the opportunity to utilize your skills to examine the anatomy and function of the heart. This is a challenging career where you work closely with patients and physicians to provide high quality healthcare services. Reach out to the Nevada schools with cardiac ultrasound/echo technician programs today to get started.