Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in Oregon

Are you considering a career in health care? Are you exploring all of your options? And, have you considered the field of echocardiogram technology? Also known as cardiac ultrasound technology, this is a rewarding, fast-paced career in the medical field that you can enter without spending decades in school.

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a cardiac ultrasound tech in Oregon, contact the schools you see listed below and ask for program details.

Cardiac ultrasound technicians are integral in gathering and maintaining pertinent information that is critical to their patients’ health. By performing cardiac imaging scans and accurately reporting the information to the rest of the medical team, the echo tech helps to ensure that each patient receives the highest level of care possible.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Oregon

Becoming an echocardiogram technician can be a challenging, yet rewarding, endeavor. These technicians receive a specialized education from some of the finest colleges available that actively work to prepare them for the fast-paced field of cardiac imaging technology. Echo technicians receive the most up-to-date training both in the classroom and in the clinical setting so they are ready to face any challenge once they are with their patients.

If you are looking to become an echocardiogram technician, there are many different programs offered throughout Oregon. Whether offered at a traditional campus or in an online environment, there are a variety of ways you can gain the necessary education to become certified. Ultrasound technicians will receive training specifically in how to handle and operate the most current ultrasound machines and technology as well as a variety of academic core courses. To learn more about this fascinating and rewarding field, check out the schools and resources listed below.

Most of the programs that offer education in echocardiogram technology do so in an atmosphere of shared learning. Core academic courses such as anatomy, physiology, ethical standards for the field of healthcare, records management, as well as imaging technology are taught in a regular academic classroom.

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Hands-on courses are offered in a clinical setting, allowing students to learn about sonography by actually performing imaging scans. While colleges do not offer specific diploma tracks that lead to echocardiogram technician training, most programs are more encompassing, including a broad understanding of the field of radiology.

Licensing Requirements for Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound in Oregon

As with most states, Oregon does not have specific licensure requirements in order to work as a radiology technician. Most employers, however, will require that the echocardiogram technicians be certified by the AART, or American Registry of Radiologic Technicians, before hiring them. AART requires that qualified applicants have accredited education in the field of ultrasound technology and meet licensing requirements in Oregon.

Working as an Echocardiogram Technician in Oregon

Oregon boasts being the second highest paying state in the nation for ultrasound technicians. A echocardiogram technician in Oregon can expect to earn a median salary of $65,400 annually according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This salary will vary depending on experience, education and region across the state.

There are approximately 440 technicians currently employed and the job outlook continues to be good as the demand for high qualified, accessible health care workers continues to grow. Ultrasound technicians can apply to be employed in many different settings including hospitals, doctor’s offices, radiology offices, specialty medical settings and urgent care centers.

Request information from the cardiac ultrasound technician schools in Oregon that interest you to get more details about entering this rewarding medical career.