Cardiovascular Technologist Programs in South Dakota

Cardiac ultrasound technicians play an important role in South Dakota healthcare. By using sophisticated technology to obtain images of the heart and vascular system, the structural, functional and hemodynamic status of the cardiac system can be passed on to the cardiologist, who then interprets it.

If you are interested in being a part of ensuring for the improved cardiac health of South Dakota residents, contact the echocardiogram technician programs listed below to learn more.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in South Dakota

Echocardiogram technology is a specialized education program in South Dakota. In this primarily rural state, you may want to look into echo tech programs either on campus or online. There are many different medical programs available in the larger more populated areas of Rapid City and Sioux Falls, but there are other ways to enroll in cardiac ultrasound programs all over the state.

Whether you choose an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or certificate program in cardiac ultrasound, you can expect your curriculum to include academic courses as well as hands-on training courses. You will likely take core subjects such as anatomy and physiology, medical ethics, records management, and imaging technology to begin.

After mastering the general principles needed to understand the healthcare system, you will likely move on to specialized subjects to learn about ultrasound equipment operation and maintenance, cardiac and vascular structures, and radiation safety. There will also be clinical courses that allow you to practice your technique in a real world medical setting.

Licensing Requirements for Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound in SD

South Dakota does According to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, any student who has completed 24 hours of training working with the appropriate equipment under the supervision of a qualified trainer can work as a technician in South Dakota. However, most employers to require that radiology techs receive certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART).

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For this reason, it’s important to make sure the echo tech program you attend is fully accredited. Contact the schools in South Dakota with accredited ultrasound programs to learn more about getting started.

Working as an Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Tech in South Dakota

A beginning echocardiagram technician in South Dakota can expect to earn an average salary of $48,280 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2014 data. This salary could vary across the state depending on the setting, certifications and experience. Although there are presently less than 300 jobs in South Dakota, the job outlook continues to grow along with the need for accessible health care.

Echo Technicians can expect to find employment in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, reservation based healthcare centers, urgent care centers, radiology clinics and doctors’ offices. You may even find funding help through Bureau of Indian Affairs health services, allowing you to earn your echo tech certification and work to improve Native health in South Dakota.

Contact the schools in South Dakota that offer echo tech programs today to learn more about entering this vital healthcare profession.