Cardiac Technician Careers and Degrees

Cardiac Ultrasound/Echo Technician Programs in Vermont

Ultrasound technology is a career field that is in high demand. There are many benefits of obtaining a degree in this fast paced, challenging field, both personal and professional. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an Echo Tech in Vermont, contact the schools below for program details.

Cardiac ultrasound technicians, also referred to as echocardiogram technicians, play a very significant role in the overall healthcare of their patients. Echocardiography obtains structural, functional and hemodynamic information about the cardiovascular system so a qualified cardiologist can then interpret it.

Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound Education in Vermont

There are many different careers in the health care field to consider. If you know that you want to work in the medical field but you aren’t sure where, consider gathering more information about becoming an echocardiogram technician. These specialized technicians are a valuable part of the medical team, gathering critical information for doctors, nurses, and other medical staff to ensure the highest level of care for their patients.

Echocardiogram technology is a specialized education program that is offered at many different schools throughout Vermont. There are many unique opportunities to gain an education in this field, either on campus or online. Echocardiogram technicians are specially trained to operate special machines and computers that administer image scans. To begin a career in the fast-paced field of ultrasound imagery today, contact the Vermont echo tech schools listed on this page.

Because of the small class sizes, students who enroll in the ultrasound technician programs can expect to receive much interaction with professors, both in academic courses as well as hands-on training courses. Most schools do not offer a specific program in ultrasound technician training. However, programs in radiology will offer specific coursework that is acceptable for specialization in this area. In the radiation program, students will take core subjects such as anatomy, physiology, medical ethics, records management, and imaging technology.

Licensing Requirements for Echo Tech/Cardiac Ultrasound in Vermont

As with most states, Vermont does not require any type of licensing for an echocardiogram technician. However, most employers require that radiology techs receive certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (AART). In order to gain certification, students must complete an AART approved education program, meet the ethical requirements, and demonstrate competency using AART required procedures.

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A radiology program can generally be completed within two years. If you currently hold a non-accredited degree in ultrasound technology, additional requirements will probably be necessary in order to take the ARDMS exam. Once your license is valid, it must be renewed every two years with 24 hours of additional continuing education credits.

Working as a Cardiac Echocardiogram Technician in Vermont

A beginning echocardiogram technician in Vermont can expect to earn an average salary of $54,520 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This salary could vary across the state depending on the setting, certifications and experience.

There are currently only 90 echo techs employed in Vermont, but jobs are in high demand as the demand for accessible, quality health care continues to increase. Echo Technicians can expect to find employment in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, urgent care centers, radiology clinics, doctor’s clinics, and specialty medical practices.

Contact the echo tech programs in Vermont listed below to learn more.