MRI Technician Schools in Arkansas

If you are ready to jump into a career in the medical industry, consider becoming an MRI technician in one year or less! At, we can help you find schools near you.

MRI Technician Training in Arkansas

An MRI technician program is designed to give you a strong understanding of the human body, how MRI technology works, and how to conduct scans of different parts of the body. Because this field requires experience in so many specialties, you may have to take some prerequisite courses before you start your actual MRI classes. Common prerequisite courses include Anatomy & Physiology, Human Biology, and Chemistry.

Once you have met all of your school’s requirements, you can dive right into your MRI tech courses! Courses you may be required to take include Radiographic Imaging, Radiographic Methods, and Radiographic Equipment. These courses may teach you about the different medical terminology used in this field and different imaging techniques you’ll need to master.

By far, the most important part of your education is your clinical hours. After completing all your required courses, you school may send you to a local hospital or medical imaging clinic to complete 500 to 1,000 hours of clinical experience.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in Arkansas

After completing your MRI technician program, it’s time to get licensed and prepare to start your career. In Arkansas, you must get your license from the Arkansas Department of Health. This process involves taking and passing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists exam or a radiologic technology exam administered by the State Medical Board. The license you get is good for one year.

You must renew your license every year to keep it valid. Since this field is subject to new research and technology, continuing education is very important. Arkansas requires six hours of continuing education every year.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in Arkansas

One of the big benefits of an MRI technician education is its flexibility. Almost all types of medical employers use MRI technology, giving you a range of employment choices! Hospitals hire lots of MRI techs since their medical imaging equipment is often staffed around-the-clock. However, you may also find job listings at medical imaging centers or doctor’s offices. In Arkansas, some of the largest MRI tech employers are Select Specialty Hospital, Catholic Health Initiatives, and Sparks Regional Medical Center.

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As an MRI tech, you may be able to look forward to a solid job outlook and competitive salary range. O*Net reports that most MRI techs earn between $40,700 and $73,500 per year, with an average annual salary of $56,600 per year. The demand for MRI techs is expected to increase by 9% between 2010 and 2020; this is lower than the national average, but still promising. As new MRI research comes out, the demand may grow even more. MIT News reports that new MRI techniques can track genetic activity.

Taking advantage of local professional resources can help you take your career to the next level. Consider joining the Arkansas Society of Radiologic Technologists. This group hosts an annual conference, awards scholarships to students, and offers legislative updates.