MRI Technician Schools in Florida

How would you like to work with the newest and most advanced medical imaging technology in the world? As an MRI technician, you can use this technology to help patients. Let us here at help you find schools closest to you!

MRI Technician Training in Florida

Lecture courses are going to make up a significant part of your MRI technician training. After all, you can’t effectively use an MRI machine if you don’t understand medical imaging or human biology! To prepare you for your practical experience, you may take highly-focused courses like Basic Radiographic Procedure, Radiographic Equipment, and Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging. This is in addition to basic science courses like Chemistry, Human Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology.

All of your lecture courses are designed to get you ready for clinical experience. By the time you start your first MRI technician job, you’ll be expected to be completely comfortable working with patients and MRI machines. Many MRI programs include 500 or more hours of clinical experience! These hours allow you to hone your skills and develop your imaging technique.

It’s clear that you learn a lot in an MRI technology program, so you may be wondering how long it takes to earn your degree. You can earn a certificate in one year or an Associate’s degree in two years. MRI technician programs are commonly offered at hospitals, community colleges, and technical colleges.

MRI Technician Licensing/Certifications in Florida

Like most states, Florida has stringent requirements for radiologic technologists and MRI technicians. Prior to beginning your career, you can get your license through the Radiation Control part of the Florida Department of Health.

The first step to getting your license is passing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists exam. Once you pass this and apply for your license, you can be licensed for two years. It’s important to renew your license every two years to keep it valid and avoid having to retake the ARRT exam. During each two-year period, make sure to complete 12 hours of continuing education. At least nine of these hours must be about the technical part of your career.

Career and Employment Information for MRI Techs in Florida

There are many advantages to starting your career in Florida, including a great job outlook and lucrative salary range. O*Net estimates that median salary for MRI techs in Florida is $63,860. It also anticipates a 20 percent increase in job openings over the next few years, leading to about 280 new jobs every year. The demand may increase more quickly however, as researchers find new uses for MRI technology. Karger, which covers stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, reported in 2018 on the positive results of a study in which 133 brain cancer patients were treated using MRI-Guided Interstitial Laser Ablation.

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Many Florida medical facilities rely on skilled MRI technicians. During your job search, you may find job listings at hospitals, doctor offices, and standalone medical clinics. Some of the largest employers in Florida include the Health Care District of Palm Beach County, JSA Medical Group, and Sanford Brown Institute.

To make the most of your career, you may want to look into joining local professional organizations. Florida is home to the Florida Society of Radiologic Technologists, a group that offers networking meetings, job postings, and continuing education seminars. These benefits can help you stay on top of technology in your field and meet your continuing education requirements.