MRI Technician Schools in Hawaii

With surfing, hiking, and other athletic activities that are part of life in Hawaii, it’s no surprise that injuries are common. Hawaii residents and visitors must have quick access to high-quality medical imaging to diagnose injuries and begin the proper treatment process. Because of this, MRI technicians are in high demand in this state. Medical technology is always advancing, and this has led to high-end MRI machines that can be used for advanced diagnostic purposes.

If you are ready to investigate how to become an MRI tech in Hawaii, we can help. We have listed all of the MRI tech certification and degree programs in the state here on our site. Contact the schools you are interested in directly from this page to get more information.

Hawaii also leads the way in many MRI advances, so becoming part of this field may allow you to become part of major changes in MRI technology. The Star Advertiser reports that pediatric hospitals in Hawaii have developed MRI goggles to make the experience more comfortable for children. They note that skilled technologists play a crucial part in the process; MRI technicians that can joke with kids and keep them calm during an MRI scan can be a huge asset to employers.

Deciding how to start your education in a new field can be overwhelming, which is why there are resources for medical imaging students in Hawaii. The American Society of Radiologic Technologists notes that there is an active Hawaii Society of Radiologic Technologists. Joining a group like this can help you connect with other technicians on your island.

MRI Technician Education in Hawaii

Are you wondering what you need to know to become an MRI technician at a local health care facility? You can get the education you need at a variety of schools, including hospital-based programs, community colleges, and tech schools in Hawaii. You may take some general education courses, but most of the classes in your curriculum will build up your understanding of MRI technology and health sciences.

In your first year of school, you can start learning about human anatomy, how MRI machines work, and what skills go into proper MRI scans. Your first two semesters of school may include classes like Applications of Anatomy and Physiology, Physic of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and MRI Procedures. In addition, you’ll likely start gaining some practical experience in your first year. Though your early clinical experiences may involve watching and learning from experienced technicians, you can expect to quickly start using the machines.

Later in your program, your classes will build on what you’ve already learned and help you develop confidence in your imaging abilities. Clinical work is an even more important part of your second year, since you must get experience in imaging different types of people and different parts of the body. You can look at MRI scans and learn how to assess the quality of a scan, label a scan, and quickly determine what you are looking at.

MRI Careers in Hawaii

Before you can get started in your MRI career, you have to go through the licensing steps required by the Indoor and Radiological Health Branch of the Hawaii Department of Health. You can take a state MRI exam or the ARRT exam. Once you receive your license, it is good for two years. During each two-year licensing period, you need to complete 24 hours of continuing education.

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With an MRI technician license, you may work in many different settings. Hospitals, radiography clinics, and medical imaging centers all may hire MRI technicians. In Hawaii, some of the major MRI employers are Clinical Laboratories of Hawaii, Concentra, and Queen’s Medical Center. There may be a greater selection of job openings in tourist areas and major cities.

Job growth is expected to remain stable in Hawaii. O*Net reports an expected 17 percent increase in MRI jobs between 2012 and 2022.

Due to the high cost of living in Hawaii, many MRI technicians earn salaries that are well above the national average. The average salary for an MRI technician in this state is $83,600 per year, which is over $15,000 higher than the national average (O*Net, 2013). Depending upon your education, experience mand place of employment, you may eventually earn up to $94,100 per year (O*Net, 2013).

Take a few moments to submit a request for information to the MRI tech schools in Hawaii that are listed on this page. That way, you can compare programs across the state and choose the one that will best meet your needs.