MRI Technician Schools in Maryland

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI, uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create an image of the inside of a patient’s body, without the use of damaging radiation or invasive surgical techniques. This career requires you to be technologically savvy, as well as calm and cool with patients and healthcare providers.

If you choose a career as an MRI technician, your work can help provide radiologists with vital information they can use to accurately diagnose complex illnesses and injuries. An accurate diagnosis not only supports patient health, it also ensures that the resources of a hospital or medical office are used more efficiently. As a licensed MRI technician, you can take pride in the knowledge that your expertise helps your patients to get the best care as quickly as possible.

You can find MRI tech schools in Maryland by searching our site for the specific degree program you are interested in. Whether you are looking for a bachelor’s or an associate’s degree in MRI, Maryland likely has the MRI technician schools to meet your needs. Request information from the Maryland schools that interest you to begin.

MRI Technologist Education in Maryland

Over half of current MRI technicians have at least an Associate’s degree (O*Net 2014); about one-fifth went on to get their bachelor’s degree as well. If you pursue an associate’s or more advanced degree in Radiologic Imaging or a related field, it can prepare you for a career as an MRI technician and may enhance your earning potential as well.

To gain your entry level training as an MRI tech, you can earn an associate’s degree in about two years. Your classes will include learning about radiologic procedures, patient safety, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology and health information technology. Training in a clinical setting is also required so that you can learn how to operate the equipment and follow important documentation and safety procedures once you are on the job.

One of your first steps in deciding between which tech schools in Maryland to attend should be a visit to the Maryland Higher Education Commission‘s website. It contains helpful information on general topics such as how to fill out your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), as well as financial aid resources specific to the state of Maryland. State-based grants, scholarships and special loan repayment plans are available under categories such as veteran status, academic excellence and future career path. Additional resources may be available through the academic institution you choose.

Working as an MRI Technologist in Maryland

In order to become a certified MRI technician in Maryland, you’ll need to complete an accredited training program and pass a licensing exam. Maryland requires MRI technicians to be licensed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.

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Part of your job duties as an MRI tech may include pre-screening patients to verify current health status and ability to remain in a still, lying position for an extended period of time. In addition to making sure the MRI equipment is functioning correctly, you’ll monitor the testing area to ensure for maximum patient safety. Communicating with your patients during the scan will help the experience be a reassuring and positive one, as well as allowing you to get clear, informative images for use by diagnosing physicians.

Once you’ve become an MRI tech in Maryland, you may want to join the Maryland society of Radiological Technologists. This organization is dedicated to advancing the profession of medical imaging technologists, and maintaining high standards through training, networking and continuing education.

The most common jobs for MRI technologists in Maryland are found in the hospital setting according to the (BLS (2012)), although some MRI technicians do work in physicians’ offices, diagnostic laboratories and mobile MRI units.

Radiology professionals in Maryland may have median annual incomes that are higher than their counterparts in other states. According to the 2013 report from BLS, the median income for an MRI technicians in Maryland was $73,990 per year, while the nationwide mean annual earnings were $65,960. The number of available MRI technician jobs nationwide is expected to grow by 21 percent between 2012 and 2022 (BLS 2012), making this a good career choice if you are looking to find a growing profession.

To learn more about how you can use your technological skills and your compassionate attitude to benefit patients and yourself at the same time, have a look at the MRI tech schools in Maryland listed below. You can request information from as many as you like, until you have enough knowledge to make the wisest decision about your future.