MRI Technician Schools in South Carolina

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become one of the most important tools in diagnosing and treating many medical conditions, as it makes it possible to visualize parts of the body non-invasively. South Carolina attracts many retirees, and as a result, the need for MRI technicians is expected to grow. This makes South Carolina an ideal place to find MRI tech schools as well as to work in the profession.

To find the schools that can teach you how to become an MRI tech, simply look at the listings on our page. You will find that there may be a South Carolina technical college that offers MRI certification programs in your area, or even an online route to becoming an MRI technician. Request information from all of those programs that interest you to begin.

Most MRI technologists in South Carolina belong to the South Carolina Society of Radiologic Technologists (SCSRT), an organization whose goal is to advance the profession and set standards for education and training, and promote the welfare of the professionals who practice it.
The society reports that Registered MRI Technologists have recently become able to administer medications associated with imaging procedures that are within their Scope of Practice. This exciting news is an example of how the profession is advancing within the state of South Carolina.

MRI Technician Education in South Carolina

As of January 1, 2015, the eligibility requirements for certification by the major certifying body in the United States, The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) will change. The new requirements specify that, to be eligible for certification, technologists must have earned an Associate’s degree or better, from an accrediting agency recognized by ARRT.

One of the advantages of studying for an associate’s degree at one of the South Carolina MRI tech schools, is that it requires you to take general education courses that offer a great foundation for all kinds of future learning and the changing role of an MRI tech. Quantitative and communication skills, and appreciation of human behavior will give you a solid base for practicing the profession and continuing to grow in the years to come.

MRI technologist programs are available in South Carolina at the associate’s degree level and higher. There programs combine both academic coursework and laboratory experiences. Basic science courses like biology, physics, and anatomy form the foundation for more advanced courses. Later courses include MRI physics, MRI procedures, and MRI imaging analysis, as well as pathophysiology.

In addition to coursework and laboratory experience in the school setting, you will need to participate in a clinical experience in a hospital or medical clinic. This kind of hands-on experience is invaluable. You will work closely with practicing MRI techs, and you will get a feel for the day-to-day work life of someone in the profession. You can start to practice what you have learned, and you will meet people who may offer assistance in your search for employment in the field.

MRI Technician Careers in South Carolina

After obtaining your degree, you must pass a national MRI certification exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. The majority of employers in South Carolina require this certification credential.

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Certified technologists typically work in the imaging departments of hospitals and diagnostic centers. Increasingly, MRI equipment is available in physicians’ offices, and the personnel trained to use it are needed there as well. Most technologists work full time and they may need to work overnight, weekend, and holiday shifts. The median wage for an MRI technologist in South Carolina was $58,830 in 2013, somewhat lower than the $$65,960 median wage in the United States. However, the cost of living in the state of South Carolina is lower than many other parts of the country, making that a wage that provides an acceptable standard of living (BLS 2013).

Skilled MRI technologists may have opportunities to specialize in a particular area such as pediatrics, cardiac, neurological, or intraoperative imaging. Some continue on with their education and become nurses or nuclear medicine technologists. It is also possible to move into supervisory and management positions. Request program information today to learn more about how you can enjoy your future as an MRI technician in South Carolina.

South Carolina

Fortis College (Columbia, SC)
Programs Offered:
Dental Assistant – Associates

Greenville Technical College (Greenville, SC)
Programs Offered:
Advanced Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Associate of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Certificate in Applied Science in Computed Tomography

Horry-Georgetown Technical College (Conway, SC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Radiologic Technology
Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Miller-Motte Technical College (Charleston, SC / Conway, SC)
Programs Offered:
Medical Billing and Coding – Certificate
Medical Billing and Coding Certificate
Medical Clinical Assistant – Diploma
Medical Clinical Assistant – Diploma
Surgical Technology – Associate of Applied Science

Remington College (Columbia, SC)
Programs Offered:
Medical Assisting- Diploma
Medical Billing and Coding- Diploma
Pharmacy Technician- Diploma

Southeastern College (Charleston, SC / Columbia, SC)
Programs Offered:
Certificate in Electronic Medical Billing and Coding Specialist
Certificate in Medical Assisting
Certificate in Pharmacy Technology (not offered at the Charlotte campus)

University of South Carolina – Online (Columbia, SC)
Programs Offered:
B.S. in Cardiovascular Technology