MRI Technician Programs in Utah

Medical technology changes and adapts so often that it is difficult for doctors, nurses, and other practitioners to stay up-to-date on every single type of medical imaging technology that’s available. That’s why they often turn to specialists in this field to help them get accurate and reliable images of the body in health or the body in disease.

Earning your MRI technician degree from any of the tech schools in Utah can help you enter this specialty medical career. Utah imaging techs are an important part of the healthcare system and you can join them by completing one of the MRI training programs available in the state. Request information about MRI degree programs from the schools listed below to get started.

Becoming an MRI technician in Utah may allow you to process images for other medical personnel, work closely with patients, and develop a comprehensive understanding of MRI technology. This can be a great health care specialty for those that like to be challenged, since MRI technology and its uses are always evolving. The West Wire News reports that MRI has recently been used to identify the role of joint size in injury, allowing physicians to help patients avoid unnecessary injury. According to Medical News Today, specialized brain scans performed by MRI technicians can help doctors determine the severity of a mild traumatic brain injury.

Entering this field can give you access to many resources available to Utah MRI technicians. The Utah Society of Radiologic Technologists involves technicians in legislature, helps them network with others in the field, and hosts continuing education classes for working MRI technologists. There is an annual conference for members every fall.

MRI Training Programs in Utah

If you are looking to enter the field of medical imaging, Utah is a good place to do so. MRI programs in Utah are designed to provide students with an integrated, in-depth look at MRI concepts, theory, and patient care. No matter which school you decide to attend, you’ll likely need to meet several learning goals to demonstrate your abilities. By the time you graduate, you must be able to describe how MRI technology works and appropriately use MRI machines to collect images. Your knowledge base should include information on the safety and long-term effects of MRI usage. Instructors may test you on your ability to use MR coils and MR parameters to get the best possible image every time.

Your curriculum in an MRI program may cover these subjects in many different classes. Classes commonly included in this type of degree program include Fundamentals of MRI, History of MRI, Safety in MRI, and Imaging Components.

Hands-on practice is absolutely essential in this program, which is why most of your classes will be traditional in-person classes. Part of your practical training involves watching experienced technicians use MRI equipment and attempting to identify different body parts and signs of disease. You can also anticipate lots of training in the usage of MRI machines. When you progress through these classes, you should become more and more comfortable when working with these powerful machines.

MRI Technology Careers in Utah

When you start preparing for your post-college job search and career path, it’s important to prepare for licensure as well. You must have the proper qualifications and licensure to work as an MRI technician in a local facility. The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing oversees the licensing of MRI technicians. They require you to take the ARRT exam and maintain ARRT licensure. This license must be renewed every two years.

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Utah’s expected job growth rate for MRI technicians is higher than the national average. O*Net predicts a 29 percent increase in job openings between 2012 and 2022, a growth rate that’s 5 percent higher than the national average.

Salaries in this state do tend to be slightly lower than the national average, but this may be offset by the much lower cost of living. Per O*Net, the average salary for an MRI technician is $61,300 per year. With experience and seniority, you may eventually be able to earn $86,900 or more per year (O*Net, 2013).

If you are looking to enter the field of MRI, Utah offers several options to start looking for employment. You may work for physician groups, hospitals, clinics, or medical imaging centers. Major employers in this state include Physician Group of Utah, Mountain Point Medical Center, and the University of Utah.
Contact the schools offering Utah imaging programs and MRI training programs to learn more about how you can complete your education to begin your career in this field.