Arkansas Radiology Tech Careers and Degrees

Modern medicine is inconceivable without the invaluable assistance of radiology technicians. These specialists use x-ray equipment and other devices to take interior images of the human body so that doctors can diagnose problems and prescribe treatment. In Arkansas, the career outlook for radiology technicians is particularly bright.

Receiving Your Radiologic Technologist Training in Arkansas

Becoming a radiologic technologist requires the completion of a two-year degree program offered through a certified school of radiologic technology. Students have a number of different programs to choose from, including training at community colleges, hospital systems and more. Notable providers of radiologic technology training in Arkansas include the St. Vincent Health System, North Arkansas College, Arkansas State University, Baptist Health Schools Little Rock, National Park Community College and several others.

During the course of your studies for your associate in applied science radiologic technology degree, you will combine coursework with hands-on clinical education and practice in order to develop competency in a wide variety of radiological procedures. Your courses will include classroom lectures and labs on topics including basic patient care, radiographic imaging and pathology, radiation protection, radiation physics and other important topics. Your clinical hours will be fulfilled onsite at a provider of radiological patient services under the direction of a licensed radiology technician.

Radiology Technician Licensing in Arkansas

In Arkansas, you become a licensed radiologic technologist by holding a degree from an accredited school that offers a radiologic technology program and by passing the national registry certification exam that the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists administers. You also need to pay a licensure fee of $45 if you are seeking certification in one radiology category or $65 if you are pursuing a license in more than one category.

After achieving initial certification, you must reapply each year in Arkansas for recertification. Recertification requires the completion of 6 hours of continuing education credits and the payment of the recertification fee. The Arkansas Department of Health provides more information on the radiologic technician licensing program in the state.

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Arkansas Radiologic Technology Association

Arkansas Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in Arkansas

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the career outlook for radiology technicians is quite bright. Given that the demand for healthcare is expected only to grow in the foreseeable future, it is no surprise that there will be a nearly 30 percent increase in the number of radiology jobs through the year 2020. With this growth in jobs comes great earning potential. The median salary for a radiology technician is currently about $54,000 in Arkansas, which is well above the national median salary of approximately $34,000 for all occupations in the country.

As a radiology technician, you can find employment in a number of different settings. Hospitals employ radiology technicians to take scans of patients. Diagnostic imaging providers receive referrals from doctors for radiographic scans, so these imaging centers need radiology technicians as well. Experienced radiology technicians with advanced degrees can also find careers in education, teaching students in radiologic technology programs.