Radiology Technician Schools in Louisiana

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in Louisiana

Entering the healthcare field in any capacity is a rewarding career choice. Being able to help people as well as learning more about healthcare techniques and trends everyday are two major benefits of the career field. One particularly unique field is radiology. Being a radiology technician offers the opportunity to work with and care for people on a daily basis as well as to constantly learn from on the job training and experiences. Let us help you get started!

As with any healthcare career, attaining the appropriate training to become a radiologic technologist is a must. Louisiana offers a variety of different programs. Louisiana schools offer radiology technology programs through which you can receive a radiology technology certificate or an associates, bachelors, or masters degree in radiology technology. However, all of the programs center on a few fundamental focuses necessary for the job.

In each program, a variety of teaching and learning techniques are utilized. Instruction focuses both on theory as well as performance-based instruction, and functions to develop the skills of critical thinking and analysis, problem solving, and communication. Courses range from medical terminology to college algebra and human anatomy and provide a solid foundation of necessary knowledge for success in the school. While the actual length of each program varies based on the desired degree, the most common path requires 2 to 4 years of schooling. Louisiana has a variety of schools that offer the radiology technology program, including Baton Rouge General Medical Center, Delgado Community College, Louisiana State University at Alexandria, and Louisiana State University Eunice.

Radiology Technician Licensing in Louisiana

Upon completing an accredited and approved radiology technology program, radiologic technician candidates must go through a process to obtain appropriate licensing. While completion of a radiology technician program does not “qualify” you for licensing automatically, it helps prepare you for the required exam and licensing requirements. According to the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, in Louisiana, you must take and pass the state or AART exam. After passing the exam and completing the appropriate application form, you are granted a license to practice with a two-year term. To renew the license following the two-year period, you must complete a mandatory 24 hours of continuing education, completed over the course of the two-year licensing period.

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Louisiana Radiologic Technology Association

Louisiana Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in Louisiana

As stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as with most other healthcare positions, the job outlook for radiologic technicians is promising. In general, the rate of job growth between now and 2020 is expected to grow by 28%, which is faster than average. With an entry level associate’s degree, the median pay as of 2010 was $54,340, and is only expected to grow as the demand increases for radiologic technologists.

While the overall outlook for radiology techs is strong, the opportunities for individuals in Louisiana are even greater. In general, Louisiana alone employs over 1% of the nation’s radiology technicians. In addition, the mean yearly salary for radiology professionals is far above the national average. If you are interested in a rewarding and promising career, radiologic technology is a good place to start!