New Hampshire Radiology Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in New Hampshire

As a radiologic technologist student in New Hampshire, you will learn to work with state of the art medical equipment as a vital member of patient care teams. Students who graduate from radiology tech programs after December 31, 2014 will be required to have at least an Associate’s Degree in order to be certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Until then, only specialty certificate programs lasting six to twelve months are required. Programs include classroom training and hands on clinical training. You will take courses like anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, patient care skills, and radiographic procedures. During the clinical part of radiologic technologist training in New Hampshire, you will practice operating x-ray and other equipment to get the best images. You will work with patients, communicating with them and positioning them for procedures. you will also apply you classroom knowledge to real world situations. If you are considering a career as a radiologic technologist, you should choose a program accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). This ensures the program meets certification requirements in New Hampshire.

Radiology Technician Licensing in New Hampshire

After completing a radiologic technologist program, the ARRT administers a certification exam. New Hampshire and most other states require students pass this exam to practice. JRCERT-accredited programs will prepare you to pass this exam as part of the school training program. New Hampshire does not license radiologic technologists, but employers expect techs to be certified through the ARRT credentialing process. Hospitals and clinics that hire certified radiologic techs want to see that the job candidate has met the highest standards for education and clinical practice. According to the American Society of Radiology Technicians (ASRT), students who have completed a two-year Associate’s Degree program have the best employment opportunities. The ARRT requirement for the AA degree, effective January 1, 2015, is intended to ensure graduates have the technical proficiency for a radiology tech career and also the broad-based learning to improve their success within the profession. The ARRT certification exam covers the knowledge and skills specific for staff radiologic technologists. Even in states like New Hampshire, where radiological technologists are not licensed, the field is very competitive.

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New Hampshire Radiologic Technology Association

New Hampshire Society of Radiologic Technologists

Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in New Hampshire

Because of the highly competitive nature of the radiologic technician profession, techs are well-compensated for their skill and education. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), radiologic techs in New Hampshire earn an annual average salary of $58,880. Techs can specialize in x-ray, CT scans, MRIs or mammography. The BLS advises that techs with multiple certifications and specialties can expect increased earnings and more job opportunities. The BLS expects employment of radiologic technologists to grow by 28 percent by 2020, faster than most occupations. This growth will be fueled by the aging population, which is expected to need more diagnostic imaging and treatment. Currently most radiologic technologists work in hospitals, but more are being employed at free-standing imaging clinics and doctor’s offices.

New Hampshire

MCPHS University (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Advanced Certificate Online (Online)

NHTI – Concord’s Community College (Concord, NH)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Science in Radiologic Technology
Professional Certificate in Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Salter School of Nursing (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Licensed Nursing Assistant
Patient Care Technician

Seacoast Career Schools (Manchester, NH)
Programs Offered:
Dental Assisting Certificate
Health Claims Specialist
Professional Medical Assistant Certificate