Radiology Technician Schools in New Jersey

Receiving your Radiologic Technologist Training in New Jersey

New Jersey offers 17 accredited radiologic technology schools, ranging from community colleges to universities. You can choose from earning an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in the subject. An associate’s degree in applied science prepares you for entry level positions as radiologic technologists in medical clinics, hospitals and laboratories. It allows you to practice digital and film-screen radiographic techniques hands-on. While most radiologic technologists earn associates’ or bachelors’ degrees, some go on to earn their graduate degrees. A master’s degree program prepares you to serve as a bridge between typical radiologic technologists and physicians. Graduates become radiologist assistants, who are capable of conducting interpretations of diagnostic scans. These programs are typically two years in duration. Coursework often includes pharmacology and anatomy.

Some of the better known institutions offering radiologic technologist programs include Bergen Community College, Fairleigh Dickinson University and the American Institute of Medical Sciences & Education. Most programs include classroom study as well as clinical and laboratory practice for a total of up to 40 hours per week.

Radiology Technician Licensing in New Jersey

New Jersey requires anyone performing x-ray or radiation therapy procedures to be licensed in radiologic technology, according to the Department of Enviornmental Protection. The state’s Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners approves each license. The board approves roughly 60 educational programs in the state. The minimum education requirement for a license is completion of an approved two-year program.

To acquire a license, you must have graduated from an approved program and must pass an official state exam with a score of 75 percent or more. Other licensing requirements include being at least 18 years old, having completed the equivalent of a high school level of education and submitting a complete application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

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Career Outlook for Radiology Tech Jobs in New Jersey

Radiologic technologists continue to be in high demand, making the position an excellent career choice. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates the nationwide mean starting salary for the position is between $47,000 and $56,000. The average salary in New Jersey ranges from $66,000 to $75,000, depending on the respective radiologic technologist’s specialty. Wages for the job are expected to continue to rise as there is currently a shortage of radiologic technologists throughout the country. In fact, the BLS expects employment of radiologic technologists to increase by 28 percent between 2013 and 2023, mainly as a result of the nation’s aging population of Baby Boomers. With more than 40 million, or 13 percent, of Americans 65 or older, that trend will only continue.

Nearly every healthcare facility requires the skills of a radiologic technologist. From rural clinics to urban emergency rooms, those with the license are always in demand. There are also many ways, from orthopedics to pediatrics, to specialize within the profession. There are also ways to advance as a radiologic technologist, with many technologists eventually heading their departments.