Kentucky Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

A sonography technician spends his or her time carrying out doctors’ orders. For the most part, these orders will require the technician to use sonography equipment to assess and diagnose patients’ medical conditions. It is not you as the technician hyourself that delivers the diagnosis; however, you can jot down on a patient’s chart a hypothesis.

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Kentucky

If you have decided to become a sonogram tech, this is a great choice to make. You will likely find much job satisfaction, and better yet, the training required to enter into this line of work can usually be completed in a small amount of time. In fact, some schools in Kentucky offer 1-year training programs. If you prefer, however, to earn a higher-level credential, there are those schools that offer associate- and bachelor-level programs.

An average associate’s degree program will take you about two years to complete. A bachelor’s curriculum takes about four years; however, if you take part in an accelerated program, you can earn your bachelor’s in well under 32 months. Just keep in mind, the higher-level degree you earn, the higher your salary is likely to be.

No matter the program you choose to enter into, your courses will likely focus on similar topics, some of these will include a clinical practicum, ultrasound physics, pelvic sonography, abdominal sonography, legal issues and ethics, obstetrical sonography, and vascular techniques.

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As part of your graduation requirements, you will likely have to complete a minimum number of clinical hours. It is during this time that you will be monitored at all times by a licensed medical professional.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Kentucky

You don’t have to earn certification through the state of Kentucky to become a sonogram tech; however, you will need to earn certification through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. To do this, you need to complete an accredited training program as well as fill out the application to sit for the exam. If you happen not to pass on your first try, there is no reason to fret. You can simply wait 60 days and take the exam again.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Kentucky

There are many sub-fields found in sonography, and in each of them, there is a high demand for highly-trained professionals. Some of the more common sub-fields are neurosonographers, abdominal sonographers, musculoskeltal sonographers, breast sonographers, obstetric sonographers, and gynecologic sonographers.

Remember, the more experience you obtain will translate into a higher salary. Also take comfort in knowing that there are many small hospitals and medical facilities located in Kentucky with a high demand for sonography techs. Common places of employment that you will find include women’s centers, nursing homes, pediatric offices, emergency rooms, and neonatal units.