Nevada Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Sonogram technicians spend their time working as medical imaging experts. Through much training, they learn how to use ultrasound equipment to take pictures of the human body. The work that they perform helps doctors to develop diagnoses for a variety of health conditions. Over the years, the educational path traveled down in Nevada to become a sonogram technician has slightly varied. In fact, at one time, no certification was needed; however, nowadays, almost all employers prefer certification through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Nevada

You will need to complete a training program to become a sonogram technician. Fortunately, there are several programs to choose from, with each of them varying greatly in length. If you prefer to spend a limited amount of time in school, consider earning an undergraduate certificate in sonogram technology. If you can devote a longer amount of time, you can complete either an associate’s or bachelor’s program. And if you have the willingness, you could go ahead to earn a PhD in this field of study; however, doing so will require you to spend nearly 10 years or more in school.

The coursework, lab work and clinical training that you complete during your studies will teach you the ins-and-outs of sonogram technology. Common topics that are covered include medical assisting, medical terminology, ultrasound physics, pathophysiology, and patient care.

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Sonography Technician Licensing in Nevada

Once you complete your training program, you can then go ahead to sit for the licensing exam. Keep in mind, this licensure is not state-administered. Instead, it is offered through a national certification association. And technically, it is not a license. It is a certificate. After sitting for and passing the exam, you will then be titled as a Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Nevada

The career outlook for this profession in the state of Nevada is very positive. Additionally, you will enjoy earning a high salary when working as this type of technician in Nevada. In fact, on average, you can expect to make upwards of $70,000 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To earn this type of money, you will most likely need an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in sonogram technology.