North Carolina Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in North Carolina

Medical Sonography is one of the fastest growing fields within medical science due to its versatility. Diagnostic sonography, which uses sound waves to create images of internal body structures, may be used anywhere in medical science, from gynecology to neuroscience. It is also a cheaper and safer option than explorative surgery. Future sonogram technicians should apply for entrance into sonography programs that have been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, the CAAHEP. In North Carolina alone there exists nine appropriately accredited schools.

Within these schools you may expect to study physics, in order to understand the oscillation of sound waves in relation to the human body as well as cross-sectional anatomy, ethics and physiology. You will also spend a significant amount of time studying the equipment you will be using throughout your career as a sonogram technician through working in a laboratory and gaining hands-on experience working within clinics. In order to graduate, you will need to undergo a clinical trial within a nearby hospital.

After graduation, those serious about this field should prepare themselves to take licensing exams offered by either the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. One may apply to take these exams after earning an Associates degree in Diagnostic Sonography, or within a specialized field of sonography such as cardiovascular or gynecological sonography.

Sonography technician Licensing in North Carolina

There are two nationally recognized licensing bodies for sonogram technicians within the United States. The first is the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The goal of this independent non-profit body is to promote safe medical practices and set a global standard of excellence within the field of medical sonography. They offer exams to register diagnostic medical and cardiac sonographers as well as vascular technologists, physicians in vascular interpretation and musculoskeletal sonogram technicians.


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The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists is the nationally recognized body for registered technicians. They offer membership to technicians specializing in radiography; nuclear medicine technology; radiation therapy; magnetic resonance imaging; sonography; mammography; computed tomography; quality management; bone densitometry; cardiac, vascular, and cardiovascular-interventional radiography; vascular sonography; breast sonography. Members must renew their membership annually, ensuring they maintain the high standards held by these licensing bodies. These groups are recognized nationally and globally, ensuring technicians may accept jobs anywhere, and not have to worry about each state’s individual licensing laws.

Recently, in North Carolina, a bill has been proposed to regulate the licensing of sonogram technicians and those who perform radiation therapy: HB 753. Groups opposing this bill, such as the American Society of Echocardiography, claimed the bill was poorly written and would allow unqualified persons to become licensed. The bill has not passed.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in North Carolina

Nationwide the demand for sonogram technicians is expected to increase by 44 percent nationally according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is no different within the beautiful state of North Carolina, where the anticipated growth of this niche within the medical field is expected to be about 37 percent in the next ten years. Hospitals provide the most jobs for sonogram technicians, 62 percent of workers in the industry work within hospitals, while the rest work within ambulatory health services, the education system, or research. In North Carolina, in particular, demand for sonographers within the field of research is growing. North Carolina’s economy is turning away from agriculture and in recent years has become focused on biotechnology and engineering. Currently, the state employs over seven thousand radiologic technologists. On average these technicians earn $66,100 annually.

Women who work within this field as general, breast, or gynecological sonogram technicians outnumber the men. This is because male technicians within these areas require a female chaperone when dealing with the opposite sex. Women, on the other hand, may easily deal with both sexes. Thus, male sonogram technicians often prefer to specialize in other areas, such as vascular sonography, rather than deal with the hassle.

North Carolina

Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College (Asheville, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Sonography
Associate in Applied Science in Radiography
Computed Tomography & Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology Diploma
Computed Tomography Technology Certificate

Brightwood College (Charlotte, NC)
Programs Offered:
Medical Assistant – Diploma
Medical Billing and Coding Specialist – Diploma

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute (Hudson, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Cardiovascular Sonography
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Sonography
Associate of Applied Science in Radiography
Cardiovascular Sonography Certificate Program
Echocardiography Certificate Program

Cape Fear Community College (Wilmington, NC)
Programs Offered:
Technical Certificate in Medical Sonography
Technical Certificate in Radiography

Carteret Community College (Morehead City, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Radiography

Forsyth Technical Community College (Winston Salem, NC)
Programs Offered:
Advanced Placement Diploma Program in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Associate in Applied Science in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Associate of Applied Science in Cardiovascular Sonography
Associate of Applied Science in Medical Sonography
Associate of Applied Science in Radiography
Cardiovascular Sonography Diploma
Non-Clinical Certificate in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology
Traditional Clinical Certificate in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology
Traditional Non-Clinical Certificate in Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology

Johnston Community College (Smithfield, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Science in Cardiac and Vascular Sonography
Associate in Science in Medical Sonography
Associate in Science in Radiography
CT/MRI Technology Certificate
CT/MRI Technology Diploma Program

Miller-Motte College (Cary, NC / Fayetteville, NC / Jacksonville, NC / Raleigh, NC / Wilmington, NC)
Programs Offered:
Dental Assisting – Associate of Applied Science
Electronic Health Records – Associate of Applied Science
Medical Billing and Coding – Certificate
Medical Clinical Assistant – Diploma
Medical Clinical Assistant – Diploma
Surgical Technology – Associate of Applied Science

Pitt Community College (Winterville, NC)
Programs Offered:
Abdominal Sonography Certificate
Associate of Applied Science in Radiography
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diploma Program
Computed Tomography Certificate
Echocardiography Diploma Program
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Certificate
OB/GYN Sonography Certificate

South College (Asheville, NC)
Programs Offered:
AAS Medical Assisting
AAS Physical Therapist Assistant
AAS Radiologic Technology
AS Diagnostic Medical Sonography (Ultrasound)
AS Health Science
AS Health Science (Pre-Pharmacy)
AS Occupational Therapy Assistant
BS Health Science (Post PTA)
BS Health Science w/Con Diagnostic Medical Sonography
BS Radiological Sciences
CERT Computed Tomography
CERT Magnetic Resonance Imaging
CERT Medical Assisting
CERT Surgical Technology

South Piedmont Community College (Polkton, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate of Applied Science in Medical Sonography

Southwestern Community College (Sylva, NC)
Programs Offered:
Associate in Applied Science in Medical Sonography
Associate in Applied Science in Radiography