Ohio Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Sonogram Technician Training in Ohio

Pursuing a degree or certificate in sonogram technology is an ideal way for students to gain access to high wages and a job that helps to improve the health of society. While attending an accredited sonogram technician program in Ohio, you can expect to receive the hands-on education that can translate into a rewarding career. Most schools have programs that can be finished in about two years. Classes include didactic instruction, and the majority of accredited programs have lab assignments that give crucial, practical experience. Most applicants are required to earn their associate’s degree, and students can expect to attend basic English and math courses. If a student already has a bachelor’s or an associate’s degree, he or she may be able to take an expedited certificate program that can be completed in as little as 18 months.

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Accredited programs are usually conducted on the semester basis, and classes are held during the spring and fall semesters. Courses are normally held during the day, and for those who are interested in working a full-time job while in school, some accredited sonogram programs have evening courses. Basic classes give students the knowledge of commonly conducted medical procedures and allow professionals to communicate effectively with other healthcare workers. Sonogram technicians need to operate the professional equipment that provides physicians with in-depth images of patient anatomy. Students also learn more about medical ethics, ultrasound scanning techniques and patient care standards.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Ohio

While Ohio does not have a licensing program in effect for sonography technicians, most employers require that professionals have passed the comprehensive examination that is given by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). The exam covers a wide variety of subjects and tests for knowledge of modern sonogram techniques as well as medical ethics. The American Registration of Radiology Technicians (ARRT) is another professional agency that accredits programs, and most people who gain employment in the field are expected to have their certification from the ARRT. The ARRT tests students to ensure a degree of quality in the field and reassure employers that applicants have the skills that are essential for success in the field.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Ohio

Ohio sonogram technicians usually work in a rewarding environment, and they play a crucial role in the health and well being of patients. Professionals provide the images that allow doctors to diagnose a variety of medical conditions, so they may be able to help save lives. Most employment is in hospitals or other medical facilities, and graduates from an accredited sonography program in Ohio can expect to find access to high-paying jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), sonogram technicians can expect to receive good compensation for their skills.