Oklahoma Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Oklahoma

There are both Bachelor’s and Associates degrees in Sonography. In Oklahoma, there are six accredited schools that offer programs in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. A few of the schools are American Institute of Medical Technology in Tulsa, Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma State University in Oklahoma City, and Moore Norman Technology Center in Norman, OK. Most degrees require a number of scientific courses such as Chemistry, Biology, and Psychology before beginning Ultrasound classes. Advanced courses include Medical Ethics, Patient Care, and Pathology. The more advanced courses offer students a number of hands-on learning opportunities where they can interact with people in a clinical setting. This type of hands-on training helps to prepares you for careers in the medical field. You will also learn how to interpret sonographic images and diagnoses certain conditions based upon their interpretations. This type of training is also invaluable when you must take your exams for professional certification.

Sonography technician Licensing in Oklahoma

To be employed as a Sonongrapher in Oklahoma, you must pass the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) exam. The ARDMS offers a number of professional imaging certifications. In order to take the certification exam, you must receive an accredited Bachelor’s degree in Sonography or an Associates degree plus twelve months of full-time clinical experience. Before taking the exam, you must supply a copy of your official transcript and a letter from a supervising physician indicating twelve months of clinical experience.

The three primary exams are Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI), Musculoskeletal Sonography (MSK), and Physicians Vascular Interpretation (PVI). Depending on the type of work you want to do, you might have one or all of these certifications. There are also Speciality exams, or subtests, that cover more precise areas of expertise such as Abdomen, Fetal Echocardiography, and Neurosonography. For example, if you are wanting to be a Registered Vascular Technologist, you must pass the Vascular Technology speciality exam.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Oklahoma

The average Sonongrapher salary in Oklahoma is approximately $68,000 with a range of $35,000 to $105,000 per year, as stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Oklahoma, there are approximately 520 people employed as Sonographers. However, the BLS predicts a growth of 44 percent between now and 2020. Many Diagnostic Medical Sonographers are employed by hospitals, but there are also a number of smaller Imaging centers that are also in need of Sonography Technicians. Work conditions are excellent, but employees can expect long periods of time on their feet.