Sonography Technician Careers and Degrees

Over the past several years, due to advancements in technology, there has been a growing need for sonogram technicians in the state of Vermont. To enter into this profession, you do not need certification on a state level; however, certification on a national level is mandated by most employers. In addition, much clinical experience will be needed. For the most part, in Vermont, there are three common ways to become a sonogram technician. We can help you find the best way for you to get started!

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in Vermont

One-Year Vocational Certificate

Earning this credential tends to be the quickest way to become a sonogram tech. If you find yourself limited on the amount of time you can devote to school, earning a one-year certificate is a viable option for you. On the other hand, if you have more time that can be devoted, you will benefit more from earning an actual degree.

During a one-year program, you will study the basics of being a sonogram technician. Topics covered will include subjects like; medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, sonography physics, and patient care practices.

Two-Year Associate Degree Program

Taking part in a two year program will result in you earning an associate’s degree in sonography technology. This credential is better favored by employers when compared to a one-year certificate. Topics covered in a two-year program include those mentioned above as well as; abdominal sonography, advanced anatomy and biology, sonography instrumentation, gynecological sonography, and sectional anatomy.

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Four-Year Bachelor Degree Program

The most favored credential of employers is a four-year bachelor degree in sonography technology. With this type of degree, you will find it much simpler to secure employment than had you earned a lower-level credential. By searching around for schools, you may be able to find an accelerated four-year program, which enables you to earn your bachelor degree in as little as 30 months. Topics covered in a bachelor program include all of the above mentioned; however, they are studied on a more in-depth and extensive basis.

Sonogram Technician Licensing in Vermont

As said before, state certification is not required to become a sonogram tech in Vermont. Most employers, however, will prefer national certification, which can be acquired through American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. To earn the certificate, you will have to sit for and pass a lengthy exam.

Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Vermont

Vermont tends to be on the lower end when it comes to needing sonogram technicians. Because of this, you will find employment opportunities for this occupation somewhat scarce in the state of Vermont; however, with a high-level degree and several years of medical profession experience, it is possible to make a career out of sonography technology. On average, according to the BLS, you will likely make around $72,000 a year as a sonogram technician.