West Virginia Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving Your Sonogram Technician Training in West Virginia

There are a variety of ways for entering the field as a sonogram technician. Most sonographers receive training through a college or university program. Hospitals and other medical facilities may train sonographers, but most employers prefer to hire those with formal training and either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs accredits these training programs. During training and education, you will learn to work with sound waves that generate images for health evaluations. You learn how to utilize the appropriate advanced equipment during the ultrasound screening. Most programs require a practicum in a clinical setting to gain hands-on experience. In addition to training in examination techniques and clinical practice, common courses include fundamentals of sonography, vascular ultrasound imaging, gynecology ultrasound and diagnostic medical sonography. Depending on whether you sign up for a certificate program, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree, study can take from one to four years.

Mountain State University and West Virginia University are just two of the schools in West Virginia that offer sonography programs. Mountain State University offers an Associate of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate in Cardiovascular Ultrasound and a Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate in General Ultrasound. At West Virginia University, those interested in becoming technicians can earn a Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate.

Sonography Technician Licensing in West Virginia

In West Virginia, an aspiring sonogram technician must obtain state licensure for practice in this field. For licensure, you must become board certified through the American Registry for Diagnostic Sonography (ARDMS). Three exams must be passed following graduation sonography programs. Applicants for licensure must also have either a certificate or degree from an accredited educational institution. To maintain licensure, 30 continuing education credits must be completed every three years. These credits can be earned through completing online recertification credits, attending conferences or by attending classes. Sonographers are also required to maintain a CPR license and pay an annual fee.

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Salary and Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in West Virginia

Ultrasound technology is one of the most used methods in the diagnosing of medical conditions due to its non-invasive procedure. With both a healthy salary and demand for sonogram technicians, it’s a great time to get certified in this specialty.

There will be a strong demand for these professionals in physician offices, hospitals, medical laboratories and outpatient care centers. In addition to working in medical rooms, sonography techs often perform procedures at patients’ bedsides. Most sonographer technicians work full time. Since imaging may sometimes be an emergency, some also work overnight, weekends or evenings. All around, the job outlook for sonogram technicians is very positive.

West Virginia

West Virginia University Hospital Departments of Rad Tech and Nutrition (Morgantown, WV)
Programs Offered:
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate
Radiography Certificate