Wisconsin Sonography Tech Careers and Degrees

Receiving your Sonogram Technician Training in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, there are six accredited sonography technician programs. These programs are located around the state, in Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Claire, Janesville, and Green Bay, so no matter where you live, there should be a program somewhere within a couple hours of your house. Arguably the most popular and well-respected of Wisconsin’s sonography programs is the Diagnostic Sonography Ultrasound School, held at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in the state’s capital, Madison.

Earning a degree at most sonography schools usually takes four years, with completing your prerequisite course work as well. All areas of sonography are taught including general sonography and cardiac and vascular ultrasound. Every course in the program should combine traditional classroom learning with practical clinical experience. More specifically, clinical experience focuses on a wide range of laboratory simulation, including equipment control operation and practicing various patient examination methods. At some schools specific courses are offered on echocardiography, an introduction to sonography, cardiovascular principles, adult echocardiography, and pediatric echocardiography. You will most likely be graded on your clinical competency — your ability to demonstrate how to properly carry out scanning procedures in a sterile environment, all under the supervision of clinical instructors – before earning your degree.

Sonography Technician Licensing in Wisconsin

In order to become a licensed sonographer in the state of Wisconsin, graduates holding a degree from a legitimate, accredited institution must meet the requirements for application to ARDMS, the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. After getting accepted, you must apply for one of three Sonography Principles and Instrumentation Exam (SPI). One exam tests for abdomen (AB) and obstetrics, and gynecology (OB/GYN), and Breast (BR) sonography competency. Passing the examination will earn you your ARDMS credentials. Taking and passing the Adult Echocardiography (AE) and Fetal Echocardiography (FE) SPI will provide you with your RDCS credentials. And, finally, the Vascular Technology (VT) SPI offers RVT certification.

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Career Outlook for Sonogram Technicians in Wisconsin

Nearly all of the sonography opportunities will be working at physician’s clinics or in public hospitals. Of course, demand is highest in the metropolitan areas, like Milwaukee, Madison, and to a lesser degree, Green Bay.