Vascular Technician Programs in California

If you are interested in becoming a part of the ever-growing medical field, you might find that a career as a vascular technician is perfect for you. Even though it can sometimes be tricky to find information about this particular field, you can find what you need to get started. Here at, we have made it our goal to provide you with all of the important information that you need to learn more about this industry and local schools in California.

Receiving your Vascular Technician Training in California

Most sonography schools offer two-year programs that will allow you to earn an Associate in Applied Science degree. While in this program, you will learn a lot about health, science and more. You will also spend time learning about the specifics of using ultrasound equipment, interviewing patients and assisting physicians and nurses with heart-related healthcare.

You can also take additional certificate classes after completing your degree if you would like to have a more specialized knowledge in the field of vascular medical sonography. Fortunately, you can find plenty of sonography schools in California below.

Vascular Technician Licensing in California

Although it isn’t required to be licensed to work as a vascular technician in California, doing so can help you snag better job opportunities and can show the world that you really know your stuff. Luckily, you can choose between a couple of options when seeking your certification.

Cardiovascular Credentialing International offers several different examinations that will allow you to earn your certification. There are a few different certifications that you might want to look into; for example, the Registered Vascular Specialist certification can help prepare you for a job in vascular medical sonography.

The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography also offers a Registered Vascular Technologist certification. To earn this certification, you will need to pass two separate exams; fortunately, your training should adequately prepare you for these tests.

Career Outlook for Vascular Technicians in California

Now is an excellent time to work toward a career in vascular medical sonography. Nationally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there is going to be a 29-percent increase in vascular medical sonography jobs prior to 2020, and the statistics are similarly encouraging in California. According to the California Employment Development Department, there should be a 25-percent increase in vascular medical sonography jobs across the state in the same time period.

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As a vascular technician in California, there is a good chance that you will be able to enjoy a higher-than-average salary. Across the nation, the median annual salary for a vascular technician is $52,100, but professionals in the same industry made a median income of $56,600 in California the same year. The highest-paid vascular technicians in the state made $91,500 in 2012, and many of these professionals are offered excellent benefits along with their comfortable salaries.

Many different healthcare-related providers seek the assistance of vascular technicians, so you will have plenty of different options to look into after your graduation. From working in a private or public hospital to applying for jobs at cardiologists’ offices and more, you are sure to be able to find a great career opportunity.

If you are ready to get started toward this exciting and lucrative change, you should check out our list of accredited vascular technology training programs in California.